Offshore Diving Job


the one thing i learned aboutdiving, is that there are divers, and there are peoplethat want to be divers. the ones who are divers, they know howto get the job done they're not going to be afraid to go down with no visibility. you can trust that when you say "this hasgot to be done" they're going to go do it because

Offshore Diving Job

Offshore Diving Job, they know that they love what they do and they doit well. seaward is not a job, it's a lifestyle. do you require assistance?

it was apparent early on that seaward was the epitome of a dive company. the real keys to to the company's success are we have maintained an integrity way above the rest. - whenso much of what we do is below the water line and not in plainsight for your customers. a lot of times you're diving inchocolate milk. you can't see your hand in front of your faceplate. - our job, is to tell them, and to explain to themwhat they can't see. it would have been really good had wegotten ed wardwell to sit down and let him tell his story. - the first time i met him i was already operations manager

and he said if you make a mistake own it - tell the truth and have fun - and never put yourself ahead ofyour employees if you maintain those principles you'll besuccessful in this business. that has been a guiding elementthroughout the history of the company. we have individuals throughout theorganization that are talented and they're committed to do exactly what we've been doing for the last forty years which is provide quality service. - and if it takes the extra mile that's what we do

one of the values that seaward will bringto the commercial market is our experience. - i've been diving on ships my whole life. - all of our divers have years of experience. - i started diving in 1978 i was just a dumb kid out of high school looking for something to do. - we have one diver that has 26,000 hours in the water. i happen to have the guinness world recordfor most hours underwater in a diving helmet. - i thought i was going to do pretty good at seaward, it didn't

take me long to figure out that theseguys really know what they're doing their dedication to the job everyday- really stands above all the rest. - anybody who knows us know what we represent. it's always amazed me what seawardaccomplishes in the water. - if you have good technologies you'll have good people - we've got some of the best ship's husbandry people in the world, we've been doing it a long time, we know what we are doing. we have a great group of people, that's whatmakes the company

what it is today. - without the people,we're just equipment. you got people on the job that will bethere till the job's done and you know it will be done right. - nobody's out therefor themselves - seaward feels like a family - it's definitely unique - but it functions as a team. - when i get towork in the morning and i see all the crews coming in, i seedetermination and focus. there's no other company they can dowhat we do. nobody puts in more time in the water inthe world than seaward marine does. that's the seaward way!

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