Offshore Kitchen Jobs


hi my name is sarah. i’m a steward working on the coast guard ship on the ricker. (music) as a steward my duties are to help in the galley. we serve three meals a day and snacks and we clean officer’s cabins and make sure everything is secure.

Offshore Kitchen Jobs

Offshore Kitchen Jobs, we try to keep our crew happy by providing them with excellent food. especially the night crew, they work long hours. they start at midnight until noon or noon until midnight so there is time when the kitchen is closed. we try to make everything available for them, make them feel comfortable.

i joined the coast guard because i live on kingderm island which is a pretty small island. there is not very much work there. i was waitressing for quite a while there and i thought i needed a real career. some of my family work in the coast guard and some people on tenders. i knew it was a real family kind of oriented career and once you join you feel like real part of a team and that’s what i wanted; i wanted to feel like part of a team. and i heard it’s an aspiring job, you get to travel and i’ve always wanted to travel and see more of the world. so last summer, it was my first trip so i got to go on the laurier, we went to the arctic. one of the best parts of being with the coast guard was going to the arctic. we got to see icebergs and polar bears.

we got to stop on different islands and explore and it was beautiful, it was breath taking. i find this to be a very exciting career. i love waking up every morning to a new sunrise and a beautiful day and a different place and i would recommend it to anyone.

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