Offshore Job Applications


- hey, everybody. i'm dave we're talking about ramping up software development teams. how do you do it as quickly as possiblewithout screwing yourself? that is what we're going totalk about after the break. here's a few things to keep in mindwhen you're ramping up your team.

Offshore Job Applications

Offshore Job Applications, you want to start with a team lead,not just a good developer. it has to be at least a developerwho can be a leader, who has communication skills,management skills, and knows how to build a team.

make sure you're starting with thatperson. then, don't burden that person with having to manage a huge teamthat's completely fresh, while they themselves arelearning your project. give them a little bit of time to ramp up.there is no way around it. you can't take the team leadand expect them to ramp up and develop the knowledge themselves, ifthey're managing four to ten other people. let that lead settle inand give them time. here is another tip. once you have thatlead going, which could take anywhere from a week on a small project,or a month on a larger one,

just to get their bearings. look to them for cues on how and when toexpand. they are gonna know more than you about the actual resources that you'relooking at, and how to bring them on. you know that you need to bring them on,but they know these individual people, presumably. they know the names and thehistory. they've worked with them before. so that team lead is the person who shoulddecide when and how, or at least recommend when and howyou grow the team. they understand the pecking orderof the team. they understand if there is any rivalries,bickering or history between developers.

they know who manages who well.different personalities and what's needed. follow their lead. here is one more. when you are buildingthe team, follow all these cues but don't forget the team dynamic.this is something a client needs to do as well. when a team is growing,you don't just keep adding people. it doesn't really work like that. you don't just add developers, things gofaster. every time you add a developer, there is more overhead. more management.there are more personnel issues. there are people trying to manage theirown careers and they have agendas.

there is more people with history,and things like that. so as the team grows up,you're going to get exposed to this more and more, as a client.this is what management is all about. if management was as simple as justbringing people on, it would be easy. so try to develop a relationship with yourteam lead or your project manager, whoever is doing it, where you'repaying attention to the team. ask them questions. like,how are they working together? how are they feeling about the project?do they like the communication? try to get a sense for it and make surethat you're partnering with that team lead

to grow it are the takeaways. you definitely want to grow your teamas quickly as possible, but you want to be smart about it.don't just start pushing them to grow the team. you cangive them a little pressure, but what you really want to do isfoster organic growth by listening to your team lead and giving thema chance and some time to succeed. listen to their cues, then watchas the team dynamics unfold. pay attention and there will bea lot of information coming at you that you can use to make decisionson when to bring the team up.

you can build it up as quicklyas possible. usually, it can happen pretty quickly, but if you go too fast,there is a lot of pain. give us a call if you need any help withit. best of luck on your next project.

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