Offshore Job Boards


the best offshore precious metals ira good afternoon i'd like to introducemark yaxley from strategic wealth preservation and john fisher of fisherprecious metals. both firms are working together to offer american investorsoffshore precious metals iras and we'll have an opportunity to speak with themtoday. mark can you please tell us a

Offshore Job Boards

Offshore Job Boards, little bit about strategic wealthpreservation otherwise known as swp? sure, thanks lynn it's nice to be here todaywith you and john swp is a class three ul rated storage facility located herein georgetown in the cayman islands. if you're trying to visualize where that ison a map it's about one hour south by

plane from miami, florida. swp is apurpose-built facility specifically designed for gold and silver storage. ourconcept, when we were building the facility was to create an offshorestorage option for investors in the western hemisphere. we traveled the world visiting other storage facilities and panama, miami, new york and basically the idea was to take the best practices from all those different facilities that wehad visited and incorporate them into one world-class offshore option andthat's what we've done. yes, you certainly have, we've had the opportunity to seethe facility and that is exactly what you've done. you talked mark aboutstoring precious metals in the

depository, can you tell us a little bitmore about how you became approved to store ira metals? yes, i was doing someresearch about a year ago into self-directed ira storage when i cameacross an advertisement that was promoting the possibilities foramericans to store gold eagles as part of their self-directed iras inswitzerland and this caught my attention. i dug a little bit deeper and at thatpoint i connected with new direction ira, a leading ira administrator that hadbegun offering offshore ira storage as an option to the clients that theywere servicing. and in speaking to new direction we were able to determine thatswp and the cayman islands would

be eligible as an approved ira storage facility and basically we took it from there. john,you have worked extensively with new direction ira and have quite a bit ofexperience in precious metals iras, can you talk a little bit about why aninvestor should consider owning precious metals in their ira? well, first of all alot of the wealth that people have is held in retirement plans. many of themhave been contributing throughout the course of their lifetime, going into401ks, iras, 403b's and other types of tax deferred vehicles here in the unitedstates. many of those people would like to own precious metals, gold and silver butthey don't have ready funds themselves

that aren't otherwise encumbered suchas in a retirement plan. so the precious metals ira gives these individuals theopportunity to buy physical precious metals, actual gold and actual silverbullion coins in their account. they have to be stored in a third-party facility,because they're not able to have access to them until they become of the agewhere withdrawals are allowed by the irs. and swp would act as that facility correct? that's correct. when mark mentioned earlier about a class threefacility, first of all that is one of the highest security ratings. ira firms thathelp to set up these precious metals iras have vetted and approved mark'sfacility as being eligible to have metal

stored there. mark did you want to add to any thoughts to why an investor should considerowning precious metals in their ira? yes, i think john touched on a lot of thepoints that you know, the only thing i would add really is that i think whenyou talk about an ira the goal of an ira should be to add certainty toyour portfolio. you certainty don't want to be risking your retirementsavings and when you talk about certainty and assets that have proven tohold their value over time, especially during difficult economic times, i thinkgold and silver have an excellent track record, and therefore make for awise choice when you're talking about

your self directed ira. john, youmentioned why it's important to have individuals store precious metals intheir ira and you've had the opportunity to serve many clients over the years,domestically and you're looking at opportunities here with strategic wealthpreservation overseas and offshore, what advantages does storing metals in anoffshore ira have versus storing the ira metals domestically? increasingly peoplehave greater and greater concern about the state of affairs here in the unitedstates. whether it be monetary, fiscal political, geopolitical events going onaround the world. what they're really talking about, or are concerned about,or desiring is geographic

diversification. we have stored precious metals in the united states for a long time. we've stored them with our neighbor in canadabut now we have a great offshore option that is not halfway around the world.people do store metals in places like singapore and switzerland whichmany are familiar with, as mark mentioned earlier thecayman islands is just an hour south by plane, people travel there on cruiseships all the time, it's really very accessible. in addition to that, thecayman islands are a british protectorate, what we might otherwisecall a colony, so they operate under the rule of british law. it's the fifthlargest financial center in the world.

excellent, mark would you like to add tothat, as to the benefits of an offshore ira and storing metals offshore versusdomestically? again, john did a great job covering it, i think the what we hearquite often or what people that i speak to are looking for, and it relates backto what john started by saying is that people are concerned, obviously about thepresent and future stability of the united states and other countries forthat matter, and by storing your hard assets offshore, you not only add adegree of separation from that root concern but you also add a degree ofcertainty to your ira portfolio, which is what i spoke about earlier, by addinggold and silver so there's i think it

works in two ways really. but the degreeof separation that you gain by moving the physical assets offshore issomething that a lot of people are certainly looking for. i think you'veboth done a good job of talking about why to store precious metals in an iraoffshore, and specifically why to do that with swp in the cayman islands. why don't we take a minute and walk through the nuts and bolts of how this process works,so a client or prospective client might fully understand how this would befacilitated to their benefit and on their behalf. john did you want to walkthrough it from the dealer perspective and then mark we can have you take overand talk through the depository

perspective?sure. well it all begins with an individual or couple who have a desireto consider moving some of their retirement funds into a precious metalsira. through discussion we determine whether or not it's right for them, andif so what amount. after that they would open an account with an ira firm thatspecializes in what we call self-directed iras. self-directed irasallow the individual to determine what it is that they want to purchase intheir ira, and in this case specifically gold and silver. we like new direction irabecause it is very easy and it can be done online. we work very well with and them with us, they're really a great

provider. so once the individual orcouple decide what it is they want to do they would transfer monies out of theirexisting retirement plans into this new ira. at that point they would instruct usthe dealer to make a purchase on their behalf, out of the monies in the ira,which we would then do. we would direct and have those items shipped to swp inthe caymans, or they may already be there in their vault by one of the manywholesale distributors that they deal with. that's really it. mark do you want toaccentuate some details on your end when those metals are in place, how that'sfacilitated moving forward? right, so the client would be electing swp as partof the forms that they complete with new

direction. i believe the form is called adepository election form, so they would select or list swp as the depository oftheir choice. really the next time that swp is involved in the processis when the metals, as john alluded to, are either delivered to swp ortransferred from one of the wholesalers through the retail dealer in this case,fisher precious metals to the client so once that those instructions are givento swp or the inventory arrives we then we then report back to new directionconfirming that the metals have been deposited to the clientsaccount and new direction will then pass on that information to the clientand really from then on swp is simply

working on the instructions that theclient is providing to new direction or to the dealer, to either add or withdrawmetals from the account. mark, why don't you say a little bit about how themetals are kept separate. sure, swp stores all of our clients' metals in afully allocated and segregated fashion which means basically that the clientreceives their own industrial storage bin. the metals are put first intamper-evident bags, those tamper evident bags have inside of the industrialstorage bins. each client storage bin is then sealed with unique identifiers andthe storage bin is then placed in our class three vault in a specific locationpredetermined for that client, so

everyone has their own bin, on their ownspot on your shelf basically. excellent, and john you mentioned too that yourclients, with even 24 hours notice if that's correct mark, can schedule anappointment to actually come and view their metals and have a tour of thefacility. is that correct? that is correct. we do allow visitations to our facilityand we do allow our clients to self audit their metals, and that can all bedone with 24 hours notice, that's correct. excellent. john, finally, can youtell me a little bit about fisher precious metals and your overall history.we had an opportunity to hear how swp

was established, and a little bit abouttheir history and the research before developing their facility. can you tell me alittle bit about fisher precious metals sure. i started in 1995. i just beganbuying for my own account, like most all of our clients do.slowly at first, and then gradually more. in the early 2000s 2000, 2001 when we hada big stock market crash a number of my professional friends asked me if i couldassist them in moving some of their wealth out of stocks, and at the end ofall that they all suggested that i turn this, what was an individual interest,into a business. telling me i knew more than i thought that i did. so that was about15 years ago, now since that time we've

grown steadily, we enjoy a very nicereputation in the industry, are well reviewed both on the internet, that is the betterbusiness bureau and elsewhere. we participate in the majority of theorganization's relevant to our industry and serve on the boards of many of them.if there was any one thing i could say that differentiates us, is the time we takewith individuals, whether it be on the phone or in our office. we are not avolume only dealer, we are really focused on listening and educating our clients and ourprospective clients. well it sounds like a world-class,best-in-class relationship between both strategic wealth preservation and fisherprecious metals. if you would like more

information on iras, specifically offshoreiras you can go to go to the offshore ira drop-downmenu, there's an easy infographic as to how you can be served well, through bothswp and fisher precious metals. mark and john, thank you for your time today andwe appreciate the education and the opportunity to talk with both of you. best gold silver ira .com

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