Offshore Job Experts


>> it's not alwaysstraightforward and very sensible in subsea. sometimes we've got to havelike a little bit of fun. so i want to start witha little bit of fun. well, you may think it's fun.

Offshore Job Experts

Offshore Job Experts, so some of this is real,some of this is not yet real. i'll you decide whichone is which, okay? [ music ] i reckon you can tell me

which one's real,which one's not real. most of it's real. we build those rovs, we buildthose in davis, california. and the rovs that we arebuilding nowadays are becoming remotely operated vehicle. if you wanted to buy onewith your bathtub give me about $6 million andi can get you one. it takes about 12 months to18 months to build for you. a guy who is second[inaudible] microsoft bought one

for his yacht justso he could go down 4,000 metersand play around. the rovs that we're buildingnowadays are becoming more and more autonomous. we let them do the work. we just tell it the taskand it does it for us. we're not controllingit like we used to with a couple of technicians. we're making them smarter

and making them morepowerful and more capable. artificial intelligenceis being included in them with a whole bunch of amechanical engineering and other disciplines[inaudible]. what i wanted to talk abouta little bit [inaudible] mind if i pull this back? what's subsea? basically anything that's underthat which is the water, okay? and where does it -- or itcould be under that, ice.

so today we are producing subsea[inaudible] and gas fields from under a verythick layer of ice. the one field that we have inproduction or the customer has in production is two thirds ofyear is covered in arctic ice. so that means only one third of the year can the subseapeople actually go do any intervention and maintenancework on that field. so that changed the way wedesigned the subsea system because we had to makeit much more reliable,

we had to make itmuch more available. and the normal things you cando if you can just go change and fix something youcouldn't do because two third of the year you hadno access to it. so the subsea engineersdid that in combination with other discipline peoplethat do bits and pieces. but where does asubsea field start? you missed it a little bitbecause i was speaking. but a little seismicvessel went by,

and that seismicvessel contracted by what i lovingly callthe squiggly line people. the squiggly line people oranybody whose last names ends in ist, geophysicist, anybodylike that that actually is able to look and use sound wavesto look underneath the surface of the seabed and tell us wherethey think oil and gas is, okay? they figure all that out. they tell us where theyreckon the oil and gas is. they're going to see theseabed, they're going

to see the rock layers. they're not always niceand convenient like that. there are biggermountains in the subsea than there are on land. there are bigger trenchessubsea than that we know of. so there's massive amountsof geotechnical challenges on the seabed that subseaengineers have to deal with. and then what we've done hereis we've just spread the layers of oil and gas around toshow you that some oil

and gas layers are nice andshallow below the seabed. some of them are verydeep below the seabed. that can determine how we might-- the subsea engineers develop that subsea system, okay? let me go back, we'llgo jump there. you can see in this onehere we've got an even more mountainous arrangement, and we've got what we calla long skinny reservoir. our particular one is a modelon a project we have off

of sakhlin island, and it'sabout two kilometers wide by 30 kilometers long. so that determined how thesubsea engineers did the architecture, laid thethings out on the seabed. i like to think of asubsea engineer as he's like a conductor of anorchestra or an architect for a big [inaudible]. they're figuring outhow the best ways to fit things together.

i used the orchestraconductor one recently when i was helping anapplication for somebody to get permanent residencyas a subsea engineer. and typically conductorsof orchestras are masters in one particular area, but thenthey're able to manage the rest of all the variousdisciplines in an orchestra. and that's how i liketo think about him. he's an expert in subsea treesbut then became an expert on everything else or avery specialized person

of everything else. so if we look here howwould we develop this if this was a subsea system? let's make sure mycomputer is working. so this particular onewe've installed wells into these reservoirs alongthis long skinny reservoir. this is a well. in general terms that well isgoing to cost you $150 million to drill plus or minus, okay?

and it might not find anything. in this case hopefullythey've found something and they've developed that. they've put on the seabedwhat we call a subsea tree which i'm going to show youin a little bit more detail. what you saw sneaking pastthere was fishing equipment. in some parts of theworld we have to deal with other peoplearound the area. so very heavy fishingactivity in norway,

very heavy fishing activity in the uk north seaisland and other areas. so we have to engineerour equipment to be able to handle that. so how we would do that -- it'sstuck in that right hand corner, hopefully you can still see it. we've got an over trollableprotection structure that will actually mechanicallyprotect the equipment on the seabed, and it will alsoprotect their fishing equipment

from being damaged byour equipment, okay, so they can live together. and they're overtrollable, they're designed that the actual fishinggear will bounce over it. because we know when we put nicebig yellow things on the seabed that stay warm thefish like to go there. so, therefore, thefishermen like to go there. okay. what we've now donehere is we're showing you an appraisable well.

this is a semi-submersibledrilling rig. a subsea bop stack has justdrilled the fastest well in the world. that took about three seconds. and it's just on something that normally takes [inaudible]90 days and about $150 million. it's drilled a well,and it's gone down and discovered there's an evenbigger reservoir sitting below the reservoir wefirst thought, okay?

and this is true. this is what's happeningtoday in what we call pre salt or sub salt in braziland potentially angola where we find a whole bunch ofoil and gas relatively shallow, but a whole bunch moreseveral thousand meters below. in fact, in some casesthrough six thousand meters of pure salt they found a wholebunch of oil and gas underneath. and that's bringing a wholebunch more technical challenges on how to developthat subsea system.

as i move on and look sohow would we develop this and put some oil wells in? we do it for this very deepreservoir with a cluster or rather a template system where we cluster four wellsvery closely together. we put one big lump ofsteal on the seabed, and we then drillmultiple wells from it. and the reason we do that is because it's simplytypically less expensive

to mobile a drilling rigand move it in one place and drill multiple wells thanit is to keep moving it around. but sometimes you haveto move it around. because you may be faced with these what wecall satellite wells where these are now reaching out and getting theseshallower reservoirs of oil and gas spread. they could be tenkilometers away,

they could be fiftykilometers away, okay? we're going to tieall these together. we're going to bring inthis thing, a manifold. basically a gathering station. small pipes feed into biggerpipes, bigger pipes feed into pipelines andfull lines and send oil and gas to where we want it. we then go connect up theflow lines of the pipelines. all these structures have tobe engineered and manufactured

and supplied to sit onthe seabed to allow us to connect all this together. depending where we are in the world we may makethe engineering design based on the availability ofinstallation vessels. here in australia it's difficult to get a very largeinstallation vessel. so we tend to make thingssmaller and more compact, and we make more bits of them.

if we were in norway whereyou can pick up the forward and get a huge installationtrain vessel relatively cheaply, we're much more capable of making one hugephysical structure than multiple smaller ones. so as i discoveredwhen i started in my early engineering careerthe answers are not always in the back of the book likethey are in normal engineering. sometimes we haveto make decisions,

and that decision there wasto spread things around. make it smaller, lighter usingavailable installation vessels. if i was in norway we'dput a big one in like that. and i'm going to show you abit of pictures in a second. we then bring inelectrical control and distribution systems. so we actually have topower the system subsea. typically a subsea tree whichcontrols the flow of oil and gas only needs about 100watts of power to run it.

but we're also nowadaysputting equipment on the seabed that can take 12 megawattsof power each to run, subsea gas compressors, pumpsthree megawatts of power each. so we started off with afew hundred watts of power, now we're into megawattsof power going subsea. i think the most engineerswe're hiring nowadays in our company arepower engineers for subsea distribution to addonto the mechanical engineers. what i've done there is justin that right hand corner,

hopefully you can see it, is thevarious types of host facility where we might flowthe oil and gas to, a floating semi-submersible, a ship shaped vesselthat you see there. it could be a jacketwhich is quite common here in the northwest shelf where youflow oil and gas to a jacket. this might be already there. there's maybe alreadywells below this. it could be, as i said, afloating thing that looks

like a semi-submersibletension leg platform. we don't have any of thesehere, but there are in african and the gulf of mexicotypically used in deeper water. these are just facilities wherewe can send the oil and gas. but what's also happening now is that we are increasingthe knowledge of the subsea equipmentin the system. so this particular subseasystem is covered in sensors. we literally can measure

and monitor everythingyou can think of, vibration, erosion, noise. we have devices onthe seabed listening to the flow of oil and gas. they're listening to the startupof pumps all sitting subsea. that's helping optimizethe flow of oil and gas, get more production. and more productionfrom existing oil and gas we have this hugearea that's moving forward.

if you've already investedmillions or tens or hundreds of millions of dollars inall this infrastructure on the seabed, you mightbe surprised to know that the average productionfrom a subsea well, typically this is an oil well,but the average production going to spe is only 35 percent. that means today the averagewell is producing only 35. the rest is beingleft in the ground. typical gas wells productnormally more than that,

but the average is 35. you go to norway, thenorwegians will tell you that their average isaround 45, maybe 49. if i tell you we added fivepercent more recoverable reserves to one oilcompany's field which gave them 35 millionbottles of oil extra at $100 a bottle, the$150 million they paid for the hardware to do that waspaid for in a couple of months. so there's enormous potentialfor what we already have subsea

to extract more oiland gas to it. there's a lot going onwith that, and i'm going to talk some more about that. we do intervention. this is what we call awell intervention system. it's a light well intervention. it weighs 60 tons. a heavy one weighsabout 500 tons. it's basically about like goinginside your plumbing at home

with a little device tounclog what's going on. we're doing that subsea exceptwe're doing that in 3,000 meters or 4,000 meters if we needed to. and we're doing it remotely without anybody gettinganywhere near. what else are we looking at? oops, i was too fast there. we're putting pumps inplace on the seabed. and i need to pull thisone up right there.

just very quickly this is a3.2 megawatt electric pump that will sit on the seabed. spin it up to 6,000 rpm and, ifyou like, simplistically suck up the oil and gasfrom the reservoir and push out longer distances. these are alreadydeployed here in australia in different versions. and more and more arebeing deployed worldwide. we're also doingsubsea separation.

this device hereis 800 metric tons. three of these are installed inangola right now in west africa. they've been runningnow for almost two years without one singleday of downtime. and they are actuallyseparating oil, water and gas on the seabed, taking the liquidwhich now has the gas separated from it, feeding it through twomanifold [inaudible] stations into two 2.3 megawatthelico- axial pumps. these run either in parallelor individually there

on the seabed, right nowrunning for almost two years. five years ago, six years ago, ten years ago people wouldhave thought we were mad trying to do that. but now this is a reality. without doing this kindof separation the project that this belongs to whichis a [inaudible] to angola as [inaudible] project couldnot have been economically and viably developed iswhat [inaudible] say.

so that's just a snapshotwe took from there. then, of course, bydoing all this boosting and processing dowe necessarily need, and we can now pump things, wedon't necessarily need to have as many topside facilities. we can now push liquidsfurther distances. we can now do gas liquid, liquidliquid separation on the seabed. we can remove solids. so we're actually enabling thefuture whereby to [inaudible]

from stock oil which isa factory on the seabed. so it is entirely feasible toput the factory on the seabed where you see nothingpermanently above, and then we send it allthe way to the beach. now that doesn'talways make sense. it may make sense tominimize the topside facility. this is all done bysubsea engineers. what else do we have? anybody tell me what the world'sdeepest subsea system is?

there was a clue right up there. no? if you'd like tointeract it's okay. [inaudible audiencecomment] say again? it's in the gulf of mexico. and it is shell'sperdido system. and it's just full of awhole bunch of firsts. one of them is thatit's approximately -- the wells are just under 3,000meters below the facility where the oil and gasis being flowed, okay?

so at 3,000 meters, and it'seasier for me to [inaudible] or just under 10,000 feet. anybody scuba dive? there's 5,000 pounds of pressureapproximately sitting on top of that equipment crushing it. which based on the design codeswe use we are not allowed to use that to help us offset the 10or 15 or future is 20,000 pounds of internal pressure that we'rehaving to control in the well. in accommodation to that thesewells can potentially flow,

not perdido but otherwells we're working on for other customers,will flow at 350 fahrenheit, or we're working on some rightnow that will have to flow at 400 fahrenheit subsea. so massive amounts ofcombined loading going on. and all sitting withthat challenge of sitting under the water at 3,000 metersessentially being crushed. covered in thermal insulation. even the very hightemperature wells are covered

in thermal insulation becausethey lose their energy very, very quickly whenyou shut them down. so we have to keepthem nice and warm. and now we're working onactive heating systems and other devices to keep allthe oil and gas nice and warm so we can flow it and get moreoil and gas out of the ground. what you're seeing there onthe seabed are subsea trees. if i was to take you to ourbase and hand [inaudible] and showed you one ofthose about 60 tons,

takes 18 months dependingto build one. if it's a new design fora customer and he wants to help us make thatdesign then maybe it's going to be 24 months. it takes a little bit longerwhen you want to help, and we're more thanhappy to do that. connecting into a manifoldthis gathering station. but what's unique on perdidois perdido requires subsea gas liquid separation.

we have what we call a caissonseparator on the seabed. and in just under 3,000 metersof water we are separating gas and liquid and boostingthe liquid to the surface. the actual unit looks like this. that's the top endassembly as we call it. below this is about 100 meters of caisson 42 inchdiameter pipe. and if i click i can pop it up. there you go.

oil, water and gasflows into one of five caissons on the seabed. the liquid with gas mixed in itdrops down inside the ciasson, continues to go down, allthe way down to the bottom where an electricsubmersible pump, this is a 1.2 megawattelectric submersible pump, spins at high speed, sucksup that liquid and pushes that liquid all the way up through a tubing stringinside another pipe all the way

to the surface. the gas that's comeout of the solution, and we've helped force thegas out of the solution by a tangential spiral mechanisminside this centrifugal separator, that gas free flowsunder this energy to the top. so the perdido system,the world's deepest oil and gas system, couldn't havehappened arguably ten years ago because we didn'thave that technology. we weren't able tomake all that happen.

[ pause ] what else are we going to-- oops, let me go back. i wanted that one there. now, i was askedto show a wellhead. now, typically ittakes two or three days to run a subsea three. but we'll run this one in abouti think two and a half minutes. so that's a tubing head beinginstalled on a wellhead. the wellhead is themechanical foundation

that secures thewell to the seabed. it's full of differentsizes of pipes. concentric sizes startat maybe 40 inches, 30 inches, 26, 22, 18, 13 3/8. but then we haveall this technology. now, this has all been done on the surface, onthe drilling rig. we're testing all[inaudible] haul up. that's a tubing hangar,tubing hangar running tool.

there's a test at theend of this by the way. did you get that? there's prizes, too. [inaudible] prizes. ask me a good question,there's prizes. running a plug. now we're picking up the tree. picked up the 50, 60ton tree lowering it down 3,000 meters landingon top of the tubing head.

[inaudible] with the rov,lock the connector tester. now, remember youcan't see inside this. you can only seeexternally with an rov, remotely operated vehicle,one or two sets of cameras. so you're able to doall this and verify all by what you can seein the system. so we've now installeda subsea tree. it said 12 minutes buti fast forwarded it so about three minutes.

that normally takes torun the trees a day or so. but to hook it all up and test that can take a lotmore than that. so i did also promise on my[inaudible] i gave curtin to talk about gas because iknow that's very important here in australia. but i'm going to show youa norwegian project first. and why i'm showingyou this is just because it's a reallycool picture.

in norway they are goingwhat we call subsea to beach. so 121 kilometers offshorenorway they're sending two 30-inch diameter pipelinesall the way up the beach, all the way to what they callthe star [inaudible] all the way on shore. now, what's also on there is, ilike to pick on lots of people, so we actually found ause for civil engineers. civil engineers actuallyhad to do -- basically they put a subseabulldozer on the seabed,

something about thesize of this room. they put it on theseabed, a backhoe, setting subsea controlledby remote control. and they built a freeway ifyou like for the two pipelines across the umbilical lanes. and other technology actuallywas able to go through here. they moved massive boulders outof the way, they stabilized it. they built spanning elementsto load these pipelines to span across chasms and other stuff.

so a phenomenal amount of engineering work wasdone on [inaudible]. there's a really goodvideo you can get i think from the history channel or national geographic has theentire process of this one. it's really, really interesting. but what i wanted to showyou there is it's a gas well. so i showed you an electricpump that we used -- if we get low pressure oilwells we put an electric pump

on the seabed and wesuck the liquid out. the challenge for gaswells typically is that we get low flow,we get minimum flow. there's not enough volumeof gas, not enough pressure, and the gas won't flow fastenough along the pipeline to carry the liquids thatare associated with it. so, therefore, we mighthave to shut the well in, because the liquid slugs backor drops back into the reservoir and we can't produce enough gas.

if we can accelerate that gasand speed it up and flow more of it then we can on more. so that's what stock oil isworking on right now or shell. and they're going to put subseagas compressors on the seabed. those gas compressorsare essentially a bit like putting a jetengine on the seabed. the big ones are going to take12 megawatts of power each, and there will be up tofour of them per station. that station -- well, let mego back to that neat picture.

imagine that weighing about6,000 metric tons, okay? and it's got twocompressors inside it. plus a separationsystem, cooling elements. the actual compressor isthat small piece there. it's actually probably the least and the easiest bitof the whole system. the rest is all the technologyto protect it, manage it, autonomously control it subsea,make it react instantaneously, making sure we don't gettoo much liquid heading

up 12,000 rpm spinningcompressor or 10,000 rpm spinningcompressor. so that's technologythat's being worked on right now putting gascompression on the seabed. you can get drag gas,you can get white gas. within the next twoyears [inaudible] asgard and golfax [phonetic]projects will have versions of this sitting on theseabed in two or three years. or [inaudible] is makinga decision towards the end

of this year whatthey're going to do. i wanted to go back becausei started off playing with subsea trees. and subsea tree engineers thinkthey are the most important people in the world, okay? they think the entirewell is drilled just so you can put a subsea tree on. our subsea controlsengineers think that the controls arethe most important.

what does a tree do? there are some electronics, and more importantlythere's fiber optics. we are communicating withthe subsea system at up to 1 gigabit per second. what does that mean? that's 15,000 itunes a second, 15,000 itune albumsin one second. that's the capability of thespeed we can communicate subsea.

there's a brain that's adirectional control valve with hydraulics, electronics. we send out a signalwith fiber optics. then it gets translated subsea. and it basically tells -- oops. i was too fast there. sends a signal, pushes highpressure hydraulic fluid into this actuator. this actuator pushes up inthis valve, now 350 [inaudible]

of gas can flow throughthat valve, that tree. that's ten centimeters cubed. that response happenswithin a few seconds of us pressing a button on a computer screen121 kilometers away. we knew exactly what it did. we knew when it did what it did. and if something doesn'tdo what we asked it to do it's going to tell us.

it's also failsafe. in the event that wedisconnected that mechanism that system would slam shutso fast and with so much power that if i had made amistake and had my arm through there itwould chop my arm off. the valves on this thing arecapable of cutting steel rebar, coil tubing, pipe, etc., sothey're failsafe [inaudible]. so that's that, but i dohave a question for you. how many parts on a subsea tree?

why am i telling you that? because every single one ofthem has to be engineered. start counting. come on. who am i goingto put on the spot? dave? i had to find somebodyin the audience to pick on. you thought you were in disguise with your glasseson, didn't you? ah, good try. okay, 7,300 parts, about 1,200individual part numbers, okay?

why does that make a difference? it makes a difference when somebody says wewant exactly the same as what we wanted before, but can you justchange this one part? and we see absolutelyno problem. but just bear with us a secondwhile we check the other 1,199 parts, okay, to makesure it's okay. so that's just someof the complexity.

and that's not even broken down into all thedetail it should be. what is there verytopical at the moment? i showed you subsea tobeach, 121 kilometers. here in western australia youhave gas fields 400 kilometers. at least 200 today and potentially 400kilometers offshore. many people are sayingthey're just uneconomic to develop using pipelines.

pipelines are massivelyexpensive, very difficult to install, have environmentalconsiderations, a whole bunch of other issues andchallenges are in them. so we're very fortunateto be supplying to shell for their preludeproject the subsea system. the subsea system has wellheadsand trees and manifolds. it's actually not necessarily that different toa typical system. it has been engineered witha lot more availability

and reliability built intoit compare to other ones. but the key thing it'sfeeding into is this, floating liquifiednatural gas facility. this will basically takethat gas, super cool it to a minus 162, shrink the gasfrom the size of a beach ball to a table tennis ball,600 times or there abouts. turn it into liquid. it will transfer, condensate from a flexible hoseat the back.

it will transfer theliquified natural gas at that cryogenic temperature ofminus 162 via side wooding arms that we're actually providingalso to tanker vessels that will come alongand take them away. this bad boy is almost500 meters long and will displacealmost six u.s. aircraft carrier equivalents. it's just absolutely massive. if you laid this vessel ontois it langley [phonetic] park

in perth, yeah, laid it in langley park you wouldn'tsee the park very much. this would occupy it. 75 meters wide by418 meters as well. that's where that subseasystem is going to feed into. and then i also promisedto do -- oops, my last one. i'm almost on time. this is unusual for me. arguably the most complex subseasystem we are doing today is

for petrobras in brazil. petrobras they're essentiallythe national oil company, but they're the biggestoil company in brazil. they have enormousamounts of subsea fields. those fields, those wells, typically are producingmore water from their oil fieldsthan they are oil. but there's stillmassive amounts of oil left in the reservoir.

but to get that oil outof the ground they have to produce more water. the floating facilitiesthat they have above many of their subsea systemsare physically constrained. they just can't take any morewater and separate the oil away from the water whichis what they do. today the oil and gasflows from the wells, goes up to this vessel,we separate the oil and the water, weclean the water.

we either throw thewater back into the sea or we put it into a big pump. we pump it down a flow line andwe inject it into the reservoir. and that injected waterand the pressure floods and pushes more hydrocarbonsthrough. if you think about it, we'retaking the oil and water up to play with it toput it back down again. but the vessels are constrained. they can't handleany more water.

we just can't keepadding things to the ship or otherwise it will sink, okay? simple as that. or we have to build new ones,and that's massively expensive because we're at thetail end of production. so we want to optimizethe amount of money spent on the vessel, and we wantto eke more oil and gas out of the reservoirs. so the [inaudible]people at petrobras said,

hold on a minute, why don'twe just separate the oil, water and gas on the seabed,not send it 900 meters to the surface andback down again. separate the oil, waterand gas on the seabed. take the water and inject it from the seabed intothe reservoir. then it's much more efficient, and then we can justsend oil to the fpso. and then potentiallywe can add more wells

to the fpso insteadof less wells. so we said okay. we took on the challenge. this is at the federaluniversity in rio. we have an r&d technologyfacility right there, and this is part of thesystem that was built. there's the singleproduction well. 22,000 bottles of fluid per day, 67 percent of thatproduced fluid is water.

the rest is hydrocarbon, okay? from there the production goes into this 400 metric ton subseaseparation and boosting system or injection system rather. that's the vessel -- sorry, that's the petrobrasinstallation vessel. that's the marlin [phonetic]subsea separation unit sitting there before it was installed. and there's one missing part

which is the subseaelectric pump. not only are they installedseparately for various reasons. so it actually installed innovember almost two years ago. it's almost two yearssince it was installed. they've been playing with itand commissioning it since them. it's now actually inoperation, but it's still in commissioning operation. let me go back. what it does oil,water and gas comes in.

oil, water and gascomes in here, and we basically de-sandthe oil, water and gas. we spin that liquid multipletimes at the force of gravity. we take the heavier, sandy,slutty down on the bottom. the sandy slutty is connected to the hydrocarbon lineand taken to topside. so we take the sandout initially and send it to topside. the water, oil and gas goes

through a passive separationsystem where we take 60 percent of gas out of the solution. we have the de- sanderwhere we do the spinning to remove the passivegas [inaudible]. we put it throughthis pipe separator. then it goes into an end vessel where the less sandsoil floats to the top. the more dense wateris at the bottom. we extract the waterfrom the pipe here, okay?

we also are able,as you see there, there's still some sandleft in the system. we have a sand jetting systemthat can remove all the sand that settles out of the solutionthrough the life of this system. we can take 100 percent of thatsand that drops out and take it and pull it into thesystem and push it down the hydrocarbon line. we then pour the waterinto another de-sander because we want to makesure we get all the sand

out because we'regoing to put the water into what we calla hydrocyclone. the hydrocycloneessentially spinning that water even moretimes the force of gravity to force the water, theless dense oil to the top. less dense oil to the top,the water at the bottom. we then put it throughanother hydrocyclone, okay, to get it even cleaner. and then we take that water,

it's poured through awater injection pump, and that water is injectedinto the reservoir. again, ten yearsago people looked at you saying you could do thisand they said you were crazy, but now it's possible. and where we are going next and where we need subseaengineers are the ability to take the sand and insteadof sending it to topside to clean be able to have thechoice to put it on the seabed.

take the water instead ofputting it into the reservoir as water flood to have thechoice to take that water and put it into the sea. okay, these technologiesare being worked on. what we often see as some of the challenges isnot necessarily some of the main mechanical equipment but the instrumentationequipment that can actually monitorand tell us what's going on.

so it's actually some ofthe smaller items physically that can cause us some ofthe biggest challenges. and with that, ican talk all day. i'm five minutesovertime, i'm sorry. i think i'm allowed a questionor two or three or four. it's up to mr. allen [phonetic]. any questions? okay, i can entice you maybe. who wants a subsea tree?

no? no questions? [inaudible audience question]the gas harp passively removes 60 percent. the reason we do that isbecause we reduce the volume of all the system. if we still have to handle thegas then the pipe system would physically be larger. and also having gasand when we're trying to separate the water away fromthe oil makes it more difficult.

so by taking the gas away wesimplify the separation process, and we reduce the system. the next generation subseaseparation system will be basically four times thevolume at one third the size. we're getting away fromsome of the big long pipes and we're doing more --more spinning is being done. anymore? yes, sir? >> yeah, i was involvedin a subsea project three or four years ago [inaudible]everything was very simple.

what you've described hereis extremely complicated. how do you balance whatyou're trying to do because of the traditionalfunctional [inaudible] against the liability issues? >> okay, so your perception that this is allmore complex compared to the simple stuffwe've done before. and i'd argue that the majority of the equipmenthere is very passive.

so that subsea separationsystem is passive. it's basically engineeredand it's set, and we don't havecontrol our adjuster. the gas compression technologyis one that's really pushing us because we're putting fastspinning rotating machines on the seabed. so we've had to build and develop autonomouscontrol networks, a bit like your cerebral cortex

that will actuallydirectly control, and without communicatingwith topsides and getting instructionsthey will make decisions on the seabed toprotect the equipment. so i think the advances we'redone are certainly in materials, a lot of difference inmaterials engineering that have vastly improved ouravailability and reliability and then on controls,instrumentation and control system toallow that to work.

i think that's where some of thebiggest changes have come in. and things have got bigger,things have got heavier, but they're fundamentally stillthe same as what they were. a tree is still a treevery much like i worked on 30 years ago when i started. we've just added a bit morecomplex things [inaudible]. there was another question. yes, sir? >> just putting it in a bit ofperspective just with regards

to the level of output of thesubsea systems in comparison with what's currently beingoutput now on an annual basis, how much extra is goingto be produced as a result of these technologies? sort of put in contextwith regards to [inaudible] of this thing [inaudible]. >> let me think. that's a very good question. and i wish i had myfacts and figures in hand

and my analyst righthere to do that. in some cases you're lookingat maybe some of the -- you're looking at 20 percent, depending where youare 20 percent of oil and gas production comingfrom subsea as a general note. some countries in the worldif you think of in norway that percentage is waydifferent, it's in the 50s. other parts of the world ifyou look at thousands of wells in saudi arabia and stufflike that it can offset it.

but there's a vast amount of oil and gas being producedin subsea. brazil is predominantly subsea. they have a few platforms butit's predominantly subsea. [ inaudible audience question ] so shield gas, cosine [phonetic]gas is absolutely if you look at what's happening in the usa where when i left the statesthree years ago to come here on assignment we werebuilding lng import terminals.

those terminals arebeing repermitted to be export terminals of lng because of the cosinegas and the shield gas. here in australia you'vegot lots of potential. you've got shield gas, cosinegas, and there's not a lot of infrastructureto bring that gas to anywhere necessarily veryeasily and economically. if you look at chinathey've got lots of coal. so if china starts to putinfrastructure in place

to pipe all that stuff thenpotentially the recent papers i've seen on this saying,yes, it's another factor but it's anotherslice of the pie. it's just another one answer. it's not going to displace. it's going to make peoplesharpen their pencils, but it's not a slam dunk thatit's just going to change from one to the other. that's my personal opinion.

i'll talk all nightwith professor evans. but i'm done. you can ask me more questionsat the end, and i'll hand it over to professor brian evans. thank you very much. [ applause ] >> okay, my name is brian evans. i guess i was originallythe instigator of this master's program.

now, you see when mike comesup and does this fancy stuff for us, he's a greatand knowledgeable person who has spent some timein the subsea industry and knows a lot about it. he has many of his own casehistories under his belt, and he's hardly scratchedthe surface of some of the complex technologies. with regards to some ofthe questions recognize that we are moving deeper andever deeper offshore for oil

and gas production dominantlyon the northwest shelf gas. and so this was anoriginal promoter of establishing the course. so, well, i'll stay here. and i'd like to firstlysay that you can see from what mike has discussedthe fact that we have a number of different areasinvolved, okay? so we have petroleumengineering involved in this, we have civil engineers.

if you consider the manifolds,imagine a 600 ton manifold going on the seabed threekilometers down and it squelches into the soft sandand disappears, okay? so civil engineers haveto understand geotechnics. we have corrosion issues. we have electricalengineering issues. we have marine science and technology areasand we have industry. for this course to have beenstarted in the manner it has,

and i'll explain more to you, wehave special thanks for ge oil and gas who were theoriginal promoters of the course two years ago. woodside [phonetic] and then[inaudible] became involved and, of course, fmc throughmike's good labors. so let's talk abouta few things. i threw these slides in justin case mike had forgotten to bring some ofhis slides down. okay, so ignore these, butthis a cartoon of [inaudible].

and one of the manifoldswhich is actually sitting in a yard right now in anderson. and some of the piecesof equipment over there. but the issue i wantto raise is the fact that there's an estimatedminimum of $150 billion of subsea equipment that'sgoing to be installed on the northwest shelfover the next ten years. most of this equipmentis manufactured overseas. presently, and asyou hear from mike,

most of the engineersare not australian. we run a slice of this action. so that's where westarted developing the need to have a thing that we know about that's calledlocal content. and we want to beinvolved in that. there's a referencethere to flmg prelude. this is an old slide so pardonme, a cartoon that was given to me by shell over a year ago.

and the point i'm makingis there's a lot of stuff on the seabed, just asmike made that statement, a lot of stuff on the seabed. flmg we hear about the flowthing carrier appear, well, that's not even half the story. there's so much stuffthat need to go on. and we're workingtowards two kilometers to three kilometers of depth. so the drivers ofthis course was

to provide qualifieddesign engineers for future deporter fieldequipment operations. we need qualified staff. we put it down to davidleslie who is the ceo of ge australia came to us, and he said the world needs132,000 qualified workforce by 2016. now the time line mighthave drifted slightly because projectshave been delayed.

but there is a suggestion that curtin then become themajor australian provider of this subsea engineeringprogram. now, a second thing that happened we allknow well what's happened in queensland regarding the[inaudible] gas in victoria where there's a moratoriumon fracking. so that answers oneof the questions that were asked before.

but because of issues to dowith the offshore blowout, gulf of mexico macondo blowoutand the like it's believed that engineers inaustralia are expected to require certificationof subsea engineers in the next three to five years. that means that according toengineers australia you have to have a master'sprogram to sign off, it has to be two yearslong, to sign off on any of these design modifications

and so forth somewherefrom 2016 onwards. so the only way to do that was to introduce a twoyear master's course. so that was our -- these threemajor points here were the catalyst to set up into thetrack of commencing this. so let's see, what do we do? to develop subsea engineering wecurrently teachers bachelor's, master's, ph.d. programsin petroleum engineering. we have the largest engineeringschool in petroleum engineering.

other departments teachappropriate subjects also applied to subsea. so what we did was we put mostof those departments together to actually with some industrysupport, and i appreciate dnv, andovers who are goingto support the lectures, so that in 2014 we willcommence a master's [inaudible] in subsea engineering programs. commence is semester one lastweek of february next year. full- and part-timestudy is possible.

there's no mid semester intake because once we start theprogram rolling we will just be carrying on with our program. next year we're onlyintroducing domestic students, no international students. we're not advertising overseas. we've already got i think davidmentioned 15 applications, all of which are qualifiedto answer the program for this program nextyear before we even start.

evening classes in the citywe're looking at 5 to 8 p.m. because most of those peoplewho have already applied to enter are city based. work for fmc, work for woodside,work for chevron and so forth. day classes on campusif there is a demand. this would be forgraduate engineers, four year engineering australiaapproved accredited programs. those students would be approved to enter this programacross the board.

civil, mechanical,electrical and so forth. so it's quite a wide field. tutorials will be givenfollowing the theory classes. so what we're looking at is,okay, we can lecture the theory but let's have some morefrom industry, give an hour to two hours of tutorialalong the lines of, well, those guys lecturethe theory, well, this is what we actuallydo guys in practice. so that's the concept of howthe lectures will be working,

both theory and practice. okay. before we establishedthis two year program we looked at what other universitieswere doing around the world. the university ofbergen has a bachelor and two year master's programsince 2004, quite recently. university of houstoncommenced a one year program in september just now. this is how recent. it's the only universityin the u.s.

that has a master's program. university of rio de janeirohas a one year program added onto an existing mechanicalengineering program. university of aberdeenhas a one year since 2006. national universityof singapore. a lot of these arebased on ship building. i mean that's the background. a lot of these will bemaritime departments. and only last week pusannational university of korea,

which incidentally is buildingpreludes [inaudible] right now, and the university is acrossthe road from the shipyard. they want [inaudible]to teach this program into their university. all of korea is alreadybroadband, high free access to broadband comes, and it'sactually australia that's lagging behind and it'sbroadband transmission. so we're working onthis linkage proposal. but where we endedwas we established

through the universityof houston as a foundation member[inaudible] offshore technology conference 2013 the globalsubsea universities alliance which we are a member of, thesefirst six universities here, we are part of the sixuniversity structure of this global alliance. and what's that for? for student-staff exchange,for sharing of resources, funding through industryand short courses

in advanced subseaengineering topics. so we intend to be the creamof the world irrespective of whoever starts the master'sprograms in the feature. so it's a two year programwith one year exit award of a graduate diploma. the one year, first one year,actually qualifies you to work for companies like fmc. they go through thewhole broad range. we have the broadest rangeprogram there is of any

of these universities,believe me. so we will actually be settingthe world's standard we believe. well, it's semester based. parts would be block[inaudible] by industry. that is where we fly in, fly out international instructorsto give block course. because industry alsowill be involved in this. fifteen units over two yearsplus an industry project, and we expect theproject will be done

as an intern whileworking for a company. working in your area thatwould be your project. cross-disciplinereteaching, science and engineering facultyi mentioned. these are the peopleteaching it. petroleum, civil, corrosion,electrical, mechanical, marine science and geotechnicsand extensive industry support with lecturing tutorialsand projects. entry requirements,master's program,

engineers australiaaccredited bachelor degree in engineering gainsentry into the program. graduate diploma arelevant [inaudible] or significant workforceexperience. we had the industry say wehave guys who are outstanding in developing pumps, highpressure, high speed pumps for deep water, butthey know nothing about the rest of the industry. what we're doing is we'reopening up the first year known

as the graduate diplomafor these guys with extensive experienceto come into the classroom to actually do that first yearwith all the other students. and, boy, we'll use them inthe classroom because we want to know about their experience. okay, so we're invitingeven if you're not qualified but you are, in fact, absolutelyskilled in a specific area of subsea engineering to comeinto the classroom and sit with the rest of them.

that person could onlytake out a graduate diploma in subsea engineering butsufficient to be able to work on all areas of the discipline. syllabus, developingclose cooperation with industry and associates. as you teach society of underwater technologyengineers australia, woodside, ge oil and [inaudible] and others helped uswith the development.

so in year one, semester onewe have basic introduction to offshore petroleumengineering, materials and corrosion, phasebehavior and flow assurance and introduction to subseainfrastructure and engineering. year one semester two is subseafield equipment subsea surveying and installation, subseacontrol and common systems, safety reliability andintegrity management. most of our studentswill actually finish after this first year.

they won't progressto the second year. they are happy to go on andwork in the industry and stay in the industry, maybe come back in the future forthe second year. and the reason for thatis because we're working with advanced topics, subjectsin the second year in which lots of this work willbe block taught. we will have supported by the industry internationalworld class experts flying

in for a one to two weekshort course seminar that completes eachunit shown here. offshore processing systems,operations, offshore structures, offshore geomechanicsand hydrodynamics, petroleum economicsand project management. within that context i mightadd we are also teaching international law. it's the only universityin the world that will be teachinginternational law

in a subsea context. okay, and semester two subseastructure, umbilicals, risers, flow lines and pipelines,and the project which would be expectedto run all semester as an internship with a company. we feel very confident, infact extremely confident, that we'll be able to sell ourproduct to the industry simply because the industry actuallyhelped us put it all together. okay, that's it.

i've finished. david, where are you? so david is the subseacoordinator. he's the man who you have toget your application past. he's a nice bloke sometimes, but you've failed heisn't a very nice guy. so we're here now available todo the question and answer bit. can we field any questions? yup?

i'm sorry, couldyou speak up louder? for the first year? your pre-requisite isyour engineering degree. >> or a science degree or wellon workforce experience to get into the graduate [inaudible]can then look at transferring to the master's program if they've done wellin the [inaudible]. [inaudible audience question] >> not at this point in time.

but it might be classroomlimited because how many can you jamin a [inaudible] classroom. so that would be the cbs, curtin's businessschool in the city. there might also be -- and theseare our nighttime lectures, so it might unfortunatelybe friday nights as well. cbs is pretty welloccupied presently. >> how much is the tuition forthis course, the tuition fee? >> tuition fee.

so it depends if you aredomestic or international. >> domestic. >> okay, so domestic isa standard master's fee which is what two and a halfthousand, three and a half -- >> three thousand. >> three thousandper year per unit. >> at the moment thecourse we've only opened it to domestic students. [inaudible] first year[inaudible] process from 2015.

>> yes, it will beinternational. there is an issue about the fact if we advertise this courseinternationally we have to meet federal guidelines. and we would like our courseto start and be vetted in for at least a year withdomestic students. where as if things go pearshaped we can solve the problem rather than winchinginternational students saying i paid my money, what's going on.

so one year withoutinternational. when we say internationalstudents we don't mean international studentsalready here you understand. we mean internationalstudents come from overseas, not already domiciled here. >> the [inaudible] citizensand a number of other classes. >> is this coursecommonwealth supported? >> sorry? >> commonwealth supported.

>> commonwealth supported,so we have an answer for that and it's called ten. but we're not toosure what ten means. yeah, it is commonwealthsupported. >> do you have any scholarships? are you looking atgetting any industry scholarships [inaudible]? >> i think industry willcome and check out the marks after the first semesterand then come in

and start interviewing straight up for the firstsemester, right? we want the guys to beworking in industry. the whole idea is this wasput together by industry. it was to supplyindustry with a workforce. that's the philosophy. but after this we willgo on to do research which is our next step afterthe master's is flowing. we will get intothe research area.

>> [inaudible] completinga bachelor program in [inaudible] engineering. do you think it wouldbe better to go straight into the [inaudible]bachelor degree? or, do you think itwould be better to have at least five years industryexperience before we come back to the [inaudible]. >> okay, imagine youin this situation. each year we are producing --

this year we are producing around about 50 graduatepetroleum engineers. that includes the masters. this year there are no masters in subsea engineeringbeing produced. very simple answer to it. i would go straight intothe master's program. i wouldn't hang around. and these guys getpaid more than those.

just a minor point. >> just a normal curtinapplication process. you just go to thecurtin website, and you can actually downloadthe application form from there. that then gets handedinto the science and engineering [inaudible] and the [inaudible] assess thequalification and then goes through the rest of the processwithin the administration and science and engineering.

so that's open now. >> so is there a deadline? >> well, we start the courseon about the 28th of february. we have been known to takepeople in on that day. don't recommend it. >> we've blown away allclasses in the last week. and now our master's ofpetroleum engineering program which is essentiallyinternational students we don't know what the class numbersare until the week before.

and we've blown theclass in the last week because the rooms we had weretoo small for fire safety. so we don't like late entries? >> we said full-time or half-time load is whatwe feel is reasonable. to try and take it less than that i don'tthink it's worthwhile for the individualstudents to be frank. this is one of those sillyanswers that [inaudible].

from an admissions perspectiveyou'll see it's domestic. from the fees perspectiveyou're seen as an international. [inaudible] i can assure you. >> i've already appliedfor the course. when can i expect [inaudible]. >> the word i have from theadministrations people is all offers will be out bythe end of november. >> yes, not a problem. we invite it.

not a problem. can i just mentionjames price's point. if you haven't heard aboutjames price's point you will do shortly, right? the whole thing is going fmlg. and we see in ten years time theship simply being the carrier and the whole thingbeing on the seabed. mike, would you? >> i can't disagree with that.

>> okay, yes? >> basically work onthree hours per unit. that's why we sayfive to [inaudible]. >> per week for 12 weeks. typically a 12 weeklecture series per unit. >> at the moment we'vebeen targeting a room size of 40 to 50 students. if i suddenly get 100people coming to apply for the course isuspect we'll be going

with [inaudible] classroom. >> and that's a realissue here on the campus. >> i suspect it's [inaudible]that's how many students we're going to get. >> this is why we've keptit just to local domestics. because if we bring in internationalit will go bananas. it will get out of hand. so we'll just keep domestic.

>> do you think the industrycan support that many graduates? >> it said 132,000 neededby 2016 around the world. if we start 2014 the firstmaster's graduate will be out at the end of 2015. so we think there'splenty of opportunity to support any numberof graduates right now. you saw the universities thatwere producing the graduates. all of those universitiesare going into the local workforcejust like we would.

each of those universitiesis located in a point where there's essentiallydeep [inaudible] oil and gas production. and they're just feedinginto that pipeline locally. so we would expectto do the same thing. but, michael, bearwith me along this one. there's no doubt lots ofpotential transfer to houston or aberdeen or wherever around the world whichevercompany you work for.

yes? [ inaudible audience comment ] >> the entry requirementsthat we've got for the master's program is that we need engineeraustralia [inaudible] recognize bachelor's degree. that basically meansan australian degree or from a countrythat's significant to the [inaudible] accord.

that's typically the u.s.,new zealand, singapore, a bunch of countries in europe. people who don't meet thatrequirement can apply to go into the graduate diploma. and then at the end ofthe graduate diploma if they're performed wellthey can apply to transfer into the master's program. [inaudible] quality andstandards people as high as we possibly can [inaudible].

>> what we want to produceis chartered subsea engineers that can travel around the world and be the top creamof the graduates. that's our goal. so engineers australia as youknow the system is changing. what engineers australiareally wants is someone who has done allthe fundamentals. we call it engineeringfoundation year here to the efy, and actually have two strongyears in the discipline,

but one of those being aresearch project, okay? so they're saying as a minimumthere should be a two year master's program. and anyone who does a one yearmaster's program it won't work for them. and this is in partone of the reasons why like melvin [inaudible] havegone to the three plus two model because that then givesthem the master's two year. however, engineersaustralia last time we met

and subsequently i've talked to people are stillconfused themselves about exactly what is a four,that is a bachelor's program, four plus one versusa three plus two versus what we're saying afour year washington accord engineering degree plusa two year master's. we believe if you left it to engineers australia they'dmake a master's three years. now, you know that went

down like a lead balloonwith the industry. >> what we're saying isengineers australia actually [inaudible] engineering course. so the course is like offeringaustralian universities that are accredited. they've also got arrangements with the engineering australiaequivalents in other countries. and if they have gottenagreement to cross-pollinate if you like between thosecountries then those degrees

are recognized. we're not trying to stoppeople getting to a masters. we just are setting acertain guideline so to go into the [inaudible] andthen progress on if you're of a type of [inaudible]. so anybody who has got anengineering degree from a non- washington accord country thisprogram is still very much for you as well. >> there's just a possibilityyou won't get the charted

registered status if youdo not have an accredited and that's not for us to decide. that's engineers australia. >> that's what it's allabout, the master's, yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. >> so even in thefirst year next year when the [inaudible] programis [inaudible] it is expected in three to five years when engineers australiaputs the requirements

on for a master's degree that master's degree nextyear will [inaudible] their requirements? >> yes. that's our expectationhaving talked to them and explained the program. we're trying to produceregistered subsea engineers to sign off the plant. a lot of these peoplehave become consultants. that's the reality oflife on big dollars.

but that's not for us to decide. i think we've fieldedmost of the questions. we've got food and drinkover there, refreshments. so if it's okay with youi'd like to close off now. thank everyone for coming. and please help yourself.

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