Offshore Job Fairs In Louisiana


how much is a lower back injury worth underthe jones act? how much would you get for your lower back settlement under a jones actcase? my name is tim young, i'm a louisiana maritime law attorney. our office exclusivelyrepresents injured maritime workers. i want to talk to you for a minute about how mucha lower back injury is worth under the jones act. now typically under the jones act, oneof the largest components of damage is the

Offshore Job Fairs In Louisiana

Offshore Job Fairs In Louisiana, lost wage component. one of the most commoninjuries under the jones act are lower back injuries. the nature of work on oil rigs andvessels is just typically very heavy work and unfortunately a lot of lower backs areinjures doing that type of work. a lower back injury under the jones act is typically madeup of large amounts of future wages, typically

if you have a lower back injury you have troublegoing back to work. a lower back injury settlement under the jones act is also made up of painand suffering. typically if you have a lower back injury the amount of pain and sufferingis going to be very significant. on our website we have examples of cases that we've beenable to resolve and examples of jury verdicts we've received and they tell you the amountsof some of our other clients have received for their lower back injuries. also medicalexpenses on a lower back injury are typically included in any type of settlement or judgement.a lower back surgery can be 50-$75,000. there can also be future medical treatment that'sneeded. in short, lower back injuries under the jones act can typically involve settlementsof hundreds of thousands of dollars. often

if an individual is young and if he's makingsignificant wages you can easily get to a million or two million dollars in damagesunder the jones act with these types of cases. call us if you have any questions about anytype of injury that you've suffered particularly lower back injuries under the jones act. they'revery common and they can be very very valuable claims.

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