Offshore Job Houston Tx


rob mcclendon: hello, everyone. thanks for joining us here on "horizon." well, when most people think of indian tribesand the money they generate in oklahoma, the first thing that usually comes to mind iscasinos. and while a large portion of native americanrevenue comes from gaming, tribes are creating

Offshore Job Houston Tx

Offshore Job Houston Tx, jobs elsewhere as well. a recent study shows tribes in oklahoma havean estimated $10.8 billion economic impact, employing more than 50,000 people. bill lance is the ceo of the chickasaw nationand says gaming has allowed tribes like his

to gain valuable business experience. bill lance: i think one thing that is overlookedwith gaming is that, you know, gaming is a billion dollar annual business for us anda lot of what we have learned in management, technology, etc., is transferrable to a lotof other businesses. so it's really opened up a lot of opportunitiesbecause of the expertise that we have in accounting, management, technology -- i could go on andon -- which is really transferrable to a lot of other businesses that we've been able tobenefit from that knowledge and expertise. rob: and when grouped in their entirety, nativeamerican enterprises in our state would rank in the top five of oklahoma industries.

a trend that has been especially impactfulin rural oklahoma because that is where most of the tribal nations are actually located. as our alisa hines reports, training is underwaycreating an opportunity that will change lives for several local communities. alisa hines: new jobs are coming to oklahomaliterally a foot at a time. the flanagan south pipeline will be comingthrough parts of northeastern oklahoma headed to cushing. in an unprecedented partnership, the osagenation is leading the way to bring jobs to oklahomans and their own native people.

in an area where jobs are scarce, for thesestudents, this could be a new lease on life. lisa partridge: well, it's looking brighter,definitely, definitely looking brighter. alisa: lisa partridge is training to go frombeing a waitress earning minimum wage to being a welder's helper where she can earn $18 anhour starting out. partridge: well, it's a good opportunity,and it would better my life, my kid's life, and make a better future for all of us. alisa: and for tony cunningham, it's a dreamcome true. tony cunningham: a real big opportunity. i've always been interested in working ona pipeline.

it's been somewhat hard to get on a pipelinebefore this and the osage nation and union 798 made it possible. for me it's a golden opportunity, you know,and like i said, i'm going to take every advantage and run with it, you know, if i can, and thisis going to be a career change for me and a little more solid. alisa: now, according to tri county tech center'sscott sutherland, this is a monumental opportunity. scott sutherland: just talking to the students,you know, if the students have an average of four people in their family, you know,times 400, that's 1,600 people that it's affecting and sometimes more, you know.

it's going to be a great deal, and i've beenproud to be a part of it. scott big horse: this is huge for our community. this is going to provide jobs at a pay scalethat this community has never seen before. alisa: scott big horse is assistant principalchief of the osage nation. big horse: and to have this job right in ourown backyard, you know, that means that money is going to stay right here in this community. it's going to be circulated many times, youknow, through different businesses, that's a plus for everybody. it's a win-win for the tribe.

it's a win-win especially for the people,the working people. alisa: now, according to the osage nation'sdelary walters, oklahomans will be working on approximately half of the pipeline. delary walters: this is the enbridge-flanagansouth pipeline. it starts up in flanagan, ill., and it'llgo to cushing. we're gonna actually put our people to workon 300 miles of the 600 miles because the pipeline is crossing the reservation for theosage nation. so basically what we're doing is the pipelineis being built by osages, native americans, because it is coming across our reservation.

and so that is the exciting part. we are going to be able to actually participatein what's happening in our own county, in our own reservation and putting our own peopleout there to work, as well as, others too, but mainly osages and native americans. alisa: an opportunity to train for new jobswhile staying close to home. rob: well, altogether the pipeline is creatingabout 600 new jobs, with as many as 400 of those going to students that are earning theircertifications through this joint partnership. when we return, a native american inductedinto the cowboy hall of fame.

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