Offshore Job In Brazil


welcome onboard our dof vessel. please watch thisvideo with attention. our goal is to be anincident free organisation and your actions arekey to this goal. this video should begiven the same attention

Offshore Job In Brazil

Offshore Job In Brazil, that you would give ane-learning experience. this video is part of your induction.additional induction steps are listed on yourinduction form checklist. all materials referencedin the film, including

additional e-learning modulesare available upon request. safety starts with you. our five values are:respect; integrity; teamwork; excellence; andabove all we are safe. dof’s “safe the rite way” usesa collection of materials to connect our values, safebehaviours, rules and processes. dof has adopted ten universalrules that apply to all of our worksites and by following theserules you will save lives. our pocket booklet allows you to carrythese rules with you at all times.

we expect all workers onour vessels to be aware of our 10 policies and ourcode of business conduct. we put extra emphasis onthree of our policies: hseq, fitness for work andenvironmental impact. when you are onboard youare expected to, at all times, comply with thedof code of conduct. any violation of ourpolicies or code of business conduct will result in immediatedisciplinary actions. these materials are availableon each vessel and

you can also find them onour website: there are many risks to be aware ofwhen visiting a vessel in operation. be aware of the procedures to properlyvisit a vessel. the moment you step onboardexpect strict rules regarding proper safetyand security practices. although the procedurevaries from vessel to vessel, the requirementsare always the same. it is important that you follow thevessel personnel and onboard systems. you must never leave the vesselwithout informing your superior.

familiarization specific to each vesselmust be provided for: personnel joining thevessel for the first time, or after an absence ofsix months or more. when first visiting your accommodation,take note of available safety equipment - and all possible exits, escape routesand the location of the muster station. your accommodation will includeseveral important materials including a vessel overview andour safe the rite way materials following your registrationonboard, you are required to participatein an induction.

this will include afamiliarization with the vessel and theresponsibilities of your job. you will be taken on a tourof the vessel and shown the general layout and safetyfeatures of the vessel. it is important that younotice and follow the signage throughout thevessel at all times. access to certain areasof the vessel are job specific and may be forauthorised personnel. always be aware of your surroundings,including in rec rooms.

knowing your nearest exit orsafety equipment could save lives. waste material disposalmust be separated into the appropriatebins and skips provided. a high standard of hygiene and cleanlinessis expected from everyone at all times. your well-being, quality of health andabove all your safety is our priority. dof is proud of the quality of theonboard comforts that we provide. however, these spaces require respectand teamwork to maintain our standard. for example, this includes followingposted mealtimes and laundry procedures. every vessel will havea nurse, a medic or

a qualified chief officer toprovide medical services. you must inform the medicalcontact of any and all prescription drugsthat you bring onboard. for everyone’s safety, it isrequired that you know your role. each vessel has a unique arrangementwith defined roles and responsibilities. muster procedures ensure that duringan emergency everyone onboard is accounted for and importantinformation can be shared. knowing beforehand whereyour muster station is - and proceeding to thatlocationcalmly and safely

is critical for effectiveemergency response. life jackets are provided forall personnel. this is the correct wayto put on a life jacket. there are two types of survivalsuits provided on dof vessels: one suit which requires alifejacket for buoyancy and one with built-in buoyancynot requiring a lifejacket. it is important for you toknow which type of survival suit is provided on thevessel that you are on. the vessel master isresponsible for the health,

safety and welfare ofall personnel onboard. however, everyone has accessto the toolkit, which ensures our safety systemsare in place at all times. the safe the rite way framework highlightsbehaviours to help you make safe decisions. the 10 life saving ruleshelp you identify hazards, manage risks and putcritical controls in place. risk assessments help youreduce and manage risk. permit to work puts you incontrol of high risk activities. toolbox talks helpyou assess, plan and

organise activities beforeyou start any task. ppe is your last line of only works if you wear it. stop work authority allows you to raiseyour voice when you see a potential risk. observation cards helpprevent future incidents and repeating mistakes. pleasegive any and all feedback. people rely on you. usethe toolkit to stay safe. learn more in ouroffshore safety booklet. you are the safety leaderin everything you do. our goal is to be anincident-free organisation

but because a lot canchange and change quickly, your decisions and actionsmake the difference. and that is why we say:safety starts with you.

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