Offshore Geotechnical Job


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Offshore Geotechnical Job

Offshore Geotechnical Job, —; ㆠㆠㆠ⤠j d ㆠㆠㆠj ㆠㆠã†â² â² â² â² â² â² ã¿ã¿ã¿ã¿ 0:00:01.099,0:00:05.540senator jeff bingaman says he's just returned from a quick trip 0:00:05.540,0:00:10.870during the easter recess to look at how the

chinese are pursuing renewable energy. 0:00:10.870,0:00:16.760q: your trip to china comes even as the president was exploring opening 0:00:16.760,0:00:19.289up offshore drilling for oil 0:00:19.289,0:00:24.099off the coast of the united states. some eyebrows went up when you supported that 0:00:24.099,0:00:30.199plan and when senator udall supported it. why did you support it? 0:00:30.199,0:00:35.550a: well i think that the recommendation

made by secretary salazar to open up 0:00:35.550,0:00:41.170offshore drilling was reasonable. he announced that 0:00:41.170,0:00:48.050over the next five years of they leases would be 0:00:48.050,0:00:48.640let 0:00:48.640,0:00:54.480to allow additional offshore drilling in areas that were not 0:00:54.480,0:00:57.730identified as environmentally

0:00:57.730,0:01:03.130sensitive, and i think that's an appropriate course for us to follow. this is a very large 0:01:03.130,0:01:04.220resource that the 0:01:04.220,0:01:06.300united states has in 0:01:06.300,0:01:09.310200 miles of our offshore 0:01:09.310,0:01:10.220uh 0:01:10.220,0:01:13.530we've proven over many years that we can 0:01:13.530,0:01:19.590produce these resources --gas and oil -- without

0:01:19.590,0:01:26.490significant damage to the environment and it makes sense for us to try to do that. so 0:01:26.490,0:01:31.490i support what announced and i think 0:01:31.490,0:01:33.890it's a necessary part of our 0:01:33.890,0:01:34.690energy 0:01:34.690,0:01:37.080strategy going forward. 0:01:37.080,0:01:39.410q: does it also prolong the 0:01:39.410,0:01:42.820use of fossil fuels at a time when you

0:01:42.820,0:01:47.510and others say we ought to be converting to clean energy sources? 0:01:47.510,0:01:49.790a: well i think that rather than 0:01:49.790,0:01:54.590prolonging the use i think the truth is we're going to continue to use fossil fuels here 0:01:54.590,0:01:58.200for some significant period of time even if we 0:01:58.200,0:02:01.410do all we can to shift to 0:02:01.410,0:02:05.680non-polluting, non-emitting sources

0:02:05.680,0:02:06.920and types of fuel 0:02:06.920,0:02:10.689%uh but %uh the question is how much of it to import -- 0:02:10.689,0:02:15.939how much of the of fossil fuel that we use do we have to import and how much can 0:02:15.939,0:02:18.089we produce domestically, 0:02:18.089,0:02:20.399and i think that opening up 0:02:20.399,0:02:27.399production on the outer continental shelf – that tuype of production allowsus to

0:02:27.399,0:02:28.909produce more domestically. 0:02:28.909,0:02:35.659q: does that mean that there's a cooling of attitudesin your office and in the white house about global warming? 0:02:35.659,0:02:38.920a: i don't think so at all. i hope we can deal with 0:02:38.920,0:02:42.279global warming in a real and 0:02:42.279,0:02:43.339aggressive way. 0:02:43.339,0:02:49.019but i think all of the plans to

deal with global warming 0:02:49.019,0:02:55.489still contemplate the need to use fossil fuels for some period of time. 0:02:55.489,0:03:01.119q: is there a strategic motive in opening up theoffshore areas for drilling -- a motive that might 0:03:01.119,0:03:03.889signal to opec, for instance, to 0:03:03.889,0:03:10.189keep prices low. a: well the reality here ofcourse is that we are dependent

0:03:10.189,0:03:15.269upon the oil from overseas and much of it produced by opec 0:03:15.269,0:03:15.989members 0:03:15.989,0:03:17.449(teir member nations) 0:03:17.449,0:03:22.899and we will be dependent upon that for some substantial period of time. i think 0:03:22.899,0:03:24.669that 0:03:24.669,0:03:30.089even if we produce our own resources as best we can, we are not going to

0:03:30.089,0:03:32.149be able to meet our own needs 0:03:32.149,0:03:35.439going forward, and opec knows that and we knowthat 0:03:35.439,0:03:37.809that, so i don't think we're -- 0:03:37.809,0:03:43.969i don't think we're doing a whole lot to change their actions in the future by going ahead 0:03:43.969,0:03:45.879and producing some additional 0:03:45.879,0:03:47.410resources here. 0:03:47.410,0:03:47.940thank you, sen. bingaman.

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