Offshore Job Agencies In Mumbai


lets spend a couple a minutes to take youthrough the process and explain exactly what opus will do for you you travel abroad developing yourcollection the styles are selected and your samples are made negotiated your prices delivery date andminimums

Offshore Job Agencies In Mumbai

Offshore Job Agencies In Mumbai, you tend to trade show to sell thesewonderful styles then you advised opus which styles willbe produced and send us the information including style name: colors sizes and prices and we willcreate your style master in our system

this is when opus begin serving his your back office be into your orders inyour system once there sufficient quantities beprepare and submit factory orders we monitor these orders to completionand decide with you the method of transportation boater air and make arrangements forship when the shipment is ready to leave the factory you arrange for pickup by your freightforwarder coordinate the shipment to the designated carrier

can engage or customs broker to clearthe ship us customs liberty your warehouse that's importantto say that we can use your various designated service provider springborder customs broker warehouse cetera or shop other providers on yourbehalf to negotiate better prices are service we've course can recommend competitiveand reliable companies that we have experienced competent in or will be happy to work with yourselections been open shifts into high gear and use your goods through thedistribution process

opus bills a customer assigns theinvoice to your factor in ship the goods within a 48-hour turnaround time we workwith your factor to collect your receivables to make the funds availableto you as soon as possible this is the sweet spot for opus therapid movement of your goods is our top priority here again we arehappy to work with your current factor any factor your choice as with otherservice providers we can recommend a very competent competitive factor that works closelywith hope is to provide your company with the best possible financialservices

during this period of time opus all overthe details communicated all parties follows up withyou and your staff all along the way you also have your ownpassword accessible user-friendly data management system you can view your complete menu realtime report shipments inventory invoicing as well as clienthistory weird opus are available 24/7 and will be watching your back in in

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