Offshore Job Agencies Australia


registered migration agent - what a greatjob! why a registered migration agent? i had two emails today. actually, i had a lot of emails today, buttwo in particular made me reflect on how much i love being aregistered migration agent.

Offshore Job Agencies Australia

Offshore Job Agencies Australia, and in factall of the down under visa team love what we do. yes, we are under pressure. our clients (like all partner visa clients)are often emotional,

and sometimes lash out at us. yes, there's the pressure to get things rightall the time. being a registered migration agent is nota warm-and-fuzzy job where we can just be awash in the blossoming romances all day. it's definitely work. and the fact i've spent allof sunday morning on emails is a bit of a reflection of this fact. but we're doingsomething highly meaningful and we know this. to those who don't know this, down under visaare migration agents based in

manila, and we manage visa applications fromphilippines to australia. one of ourdifferences is that we don't also do student visas from honduras and work visas fromindia. we do nothing but visas for australian filipinacouples as well as their families (ie. dependent children, or mum visitingwhilst daughter is giving birth in australia). down under visa clientstoday's emails that made me have my warm-and-fuzzy-feeling reflect? young wife in australia with her husband andchild (one they made themselves) is now

wanting to get a child visa for her 7 yearold daughter she had as a single mum. so thismeans a 7 year old little filipina girl will soon be heading to australia to be reunitedwith her mum, and to join a family with her little sister and her very own daddy who willlove her and provide a wonderful home for her. and we get to play a part in thathappening! is that a beautiful privilege and a blessing,or what?? it certainly made mesmile! the other email?

a couple with an existing tourist visa for3 months. she's been inaustralia with him for 6 weeks, and he emails me on sunday morning because he wantsto know what next? clearly they are getting on like a house onfire ("enjoying each others company", for any confused filipinas!),and he has his thinking-cap on as he clearly doesn't want it to end. it means that it wasn't just a holiday romance. settledback in australia, it's just as good as it was when they were together in the philippinesand during those skype and viber sessions.

it's real. here's a man who's found his goodwoman, and his life is on track to just get better and better! i know what that feels like. not a day goes past where i don't reflecton how fortunate i was all those years ago when i decided towrite a letter to a 30 year old filipina who wasworking in hong kong at the time. little could i imagine how much my life wouldchange for the better, and what my potential for happiness, contentment and purposereally was.

what a journey! and what a journey awaits email #2 above,and all those other emails that we get. oh, and one more. a couple in their 60's. first met nearly 50 years ago, and they'regetting married this year. i bet there's a story there! great seeing love win out, no matterhow long a wait. down under visa - my callingi used to be an agricultural consultant, would

you believe. i had a consulting firm. specialised in soil management and plant nutrition,and most of my clients were watermelon growers. seems like another lifetime ago now, my goodness! i reached apoint where i just plain didn't want to do it anymore, and whilst it remainedacademically interesting it just felt a bit hollow. i wanted something that made a moresignificant impact, and the idea of helping

jaded and lonely australian men (just likei used to be!) to be fulfilled in their livesby sharing it with a good waspretty appealing. so i made that transition through universitystudy and the exhausting mara registration process and down under visawas born. and here we are today, the most successfulregistered migration agents in the philippines for quality partner, tourist andfamily visas for australian filipina couples. this would never have happened if we approachedthis in a cold and calculating way. this has happened because we care deeply aboutour clients as real human beings just

like we are. and being a family business with my son jeremyas our office manager and my daughter remy coming into the fold, wewill be here for the long term.

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