Offshore Job Agencies Aberdeen


the southern north sea has one of the longest existing oil and gaz fields in the world. therefore the offshore industry must be in the forefront of innovation and new developments. the entire chain copes with all kinds of challenges these days and certain oil prices, wells running dry, de-commissioning of platforms in the southern north sea area, den helder is the preferred choice by many companies.

Offshore Job Agencies Aberdeen

Offshore Job Agencies Aberdeen, there are 135,000 oil, gas and service platforms opperational in the southern north sea and all are serviced from den helder i'm conny van den hoff director of den helder airport den helder airport transports 140,000 service personel to and from the platforms every year.

the largest helicoptor airport of the netherlands has significantly increased the hangar space... ..and invested in spot renovation. now it is even more ready for the future. jantina haan, i am program manager of the science center 'wind at sea' we must transistion form today's carbonate centered energy supplies to to a decentralized system, based on sustainable energy sources 'maritime campus the netherlands' is a facilitating network, which brings together four o's to .. ..develop initiatives and brings parties together. 4 o's: education, research, business and government, and i am working to develop education for the offshore wind energy sector

we will test innovative new turbines, offshore transportation methods and installation techniques, to reduce the costs of wind energy. we know each other from this network den helder airport focuses more on offshore wind. so we encounter each other at meetings. we also want to connect education to what the sector needs. that's my job. quite a lot of megawatts are installed here ... .. 4 people per megawatt installed capacity is needed, for maintenance. that is quite a lot. so it means, you need a large number of people in the technics, to follow education and work here. we asked the companies what they specifically need ...

you see a gap with regular education. for that connection, we are building bridges. den helder airport employs 500 people, not all are in service. we run the airport with only six people, including four part-time. 30 offshore oil, gas or wind companies are located here. they provide employment for 500 people, including helicopter operators. yes it's true, we are women in a men's branch, but in recent years, you see more and more women. i have held various positions in 24 years, the last six years as director. before, we were carrying really only men to the drilling rigs. nowadays we see more and more women, also in senior positions.

it used to be only women taking care of services and catering on board .. now they are also radiation experts, and so on. highly educated women. nice to see. they work there, staying for two weeks on/ two weeks off, just like men. also female pilots you see more and more often. very nice. i came in just over an application. there was almost nothing, i set up the company. the administration, building contacts. all by hand. there were hardly any computers. so it's slowly expanded, as was the enormous increase in the offshore industry. so slowly but surely we could build the company into what it is today. with a large new terminal that fits to all future requirements.

i call it always schiphol in miniature. everything you have there, is here too: .. baggage handling, security, x ray equipment, metal detectors check-in desks. everything is just here, only slightly smaller. i have no linear straight curriculum. sometimes... opportunities come on to your path, which you just have to address, because you like it or it's challenging. having lived and studied a number of years abroad ... i came back in the netherlands, where my cv almost again sucked me into the banking world. that was not where i saw my future. after good conversations and a self-organised internship ..

i ended up with an off-shore company and from there asked for this function. because someone was specifically needed with offshore experience for building education programs .. it is useful, if you know what it is all about. so i started in the off shore in 2008. not 24 years, like you, so relatively new how is your experience as a woman at the 'steering wheel' in such a man's world? the funny thing is: at the company i was manager of the crewing department. it never felt strange .. it was basically what came up to my way and it felt a nice challenge. following my motto: 'you can only regret, what you did not do', i just stepped in.

that's actually the same strategy i handled too, with this function program manager 'wind at sea' you'll just meet nice people, interesting situations, questions and problems. you go against it, act with it and take care of solving it. that is the practical approach you should have. i have never experienced my surroundings as a man's world. i only hear from the outsiders, it would be special? i hear more, it is nice having a woman around the table. they can think different. other ideas, a different perspective on things, which is appreciated by men. if you're interested, just go for it. using a quote from a male entrepreneur .. richard branson says: if someone offers you something, where you think: i cannot do. 'first try'.

learn from it and then check whether it suits you. the man's world gives chances, step into it. stand your ground! many institutes of research and technical development and industry specific educational and training organizations are located here. den helder.

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