Offshore Job In Kolkata


my name is sharmistha som and i am the sourcinghead & the production development head of bunkaari india. bunkaari india is a pan-indiaretail organization with its presence in kolkata & currently also in raipur. we are planningto open new stores in separate locations, in mumbai, in delhi, in ranchi, and anotherstore will be added very shortly to our kitty in salt lake, kolkata. we are basically targetingtextiles, indian textiles, so to speak and

Offshore Job In Kolkata

Offshore Job In Kolkata, our shop sizes range anywhere between 600to 1000 square feet. i am extremely thankful to a good friend ofmine who introduced me to mr. nilesh shah of fusionretail. it is through him that fromthe day we started business, we opened shop, that we have had our entire system, entiresupport system of our accounts, of our stock,

of our purchases, everything managed throughthe system. fusionretail has helped us understand our customers better. this is more importantbecause we are present in different locations and customer tastes vary. as a result of fusionretail,we have been able to identify exactly what goods move out at what period of time by whichwe’ve been able to decide what goods to buy, when. it has been very helpful for usbecause it has enabled us to create a lot of miss which are extremely important formaking policy decisions & since, bunkaari india has, from day 1, always been in thegrowing mode, it is very very important that we have a system which helps us integrateevery aspect that makes bunkaari what it is today. so i am extremely thankful to rancelabfor that, fusionretail for that.

if i am asked to point out what exactly three-fourvery important phases in which fusionretail has helped me –1. it has helped us immensely to manage our distribution & freight services which is acentralized service that we provide to our stores now & obviously since bunkaari, likei said, is in the growing mode, it will help us integrate the freight & distribution servicesbetter. 2. since we are already present in variouslocations, the integration of data for various policy-making decisions is extremely –extremelyimportant to us because it is important that we take like for all businesses, it is importantthat we take the right decisions at the right time and fusionretail has enabled us to dothat.

and on a day-to day basis if you would askme what, how fusionretail has helped me, it would have to be cutting down on our hr costs.since, the system is such that it helps us integrate a lot many things in one small parameter,we have been able to keep our staff headcount at a minimum. that helps us save costs. i would like to thank fusionretail and itsmanagement, its staff from the bottom of my heart from the way they have helped us fromday 1. they have practically hand-held us. we were new to this entire system. when weopened shop they absolutely hand-held us in teaching us a system, how to go about it,how to generate mis reports and every now & then, whenever we have had teething problems,which every new organization has, they have

provided with us support, unrelenting supportboth offshore and whenever required, on site too. and as bunkaari grows, i see an increasingrole of fusionretail integrated into the group of bunkaari india.

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