Offshore Job In Louisiana


bjbj 0}%|4n one jiggy. two jiggy,jiggy. they re jumping because they re happy. there he is. (laughs). comeon, baby. looks like a nice one! that s a big old structure out here in themiddle of nowhere. sure is, this is the last fix rig. she s riding about elevenhundred foot of water. everything from here on out will all be floaters. aw man,blair. gotta spin and go up to the bow.

Offshore Job In Louisiana

Offshore Job In Louisiana, over here? yeah, they re definitelyhere. they re poppin it s been too long, mike, too long. go up to thebow. give it a cast to the left. there s a whole pod of em. they re jumping because theyre happy! alright brother here we go.first cast of the day. eleven hundred footwith a d.o.a swimming model. there he is!

fish on baby! yeah! that snot too bad, the second jig. is that music? or is that music? let s run back to the back,we re gonna introduce who we re with today. well, welcome to this episode of addictivefishing. we re with my buddy here, captain mike ellis, out of venice, louisiana. andif you saw that big structure behind us a second ago, we re off fishin yellow fin tuna,black fin tuna, wahoo. maybe a few dolphin this time, water is just about warmenough. alright now, we don t know what we ve got on this. probably a littleblack fin. i hope you don t mind, but there s way too many fish around to notmake a cast. (grunts). let s give these new blue ones a workout, huh? we re doin well, the object of today

s show is tuna. we pulled up here to the rack,and mike s eyes lit up because all we say was birds divin everywhere, and tuna in here. ooh, nice yella. ooh, little yellow fin walk up to the back andi ll go ahead and grab him for ya. first one of the day! givin these new bluerods a test. i love these things. definitely holding up, great action on it. wright and mcgill finally making a good one for offshore. for what wedo here, i was definitely impressed from looking at them last night. think he justgot a little life. (laughs). look at that fish. tail grab him. i m gonna gethim, i m gonna get his gill. you try to release him? sometimes. (laughs). sometimes. ooh, i about went swimming.

now folks, this is something i use in-shoreall the time. a d.o.a. swimmin mullet. look he ate the eyes off of it. let me see thatfish. good job blair. yellow fin tuna baby. that is a targeted species.y all stay tuned to addictive fishing right here. we re going to be right back with somemore. addictive fishing is brought to you by dick s sporting goods, every seasonstarts at dick s. ranger boats, still building legends one at a time. minn kota, anywhere.anytime. humminbird, simply. clearly. better. and mcgill, real gear for real fisherman.and by lazer sharp, sharper, stronger, longer. hey mike, look at em right out herebrotha. alright. welcome back, we re in the yellow fins, again. let s seewhat happens. this d.o.a. swimming mullet,

i toss it out and just let it sink down. andas it s sinking, it looks like it s swimming down trying to get away. couple of jigs, lets see what s happening. it worked the first time. i m right in the middle of them overthere. here he is! look at em on top over there. that one feels like a tuna. feels likea dolphin. now we ve got us scatterin them. there he is! there we go! ithink he just realized he was hooked. well we doubled up on him. man i popped thatone off, but doesn t matter. three hundred sixty degrees, anywehere you look the fishare all over, just cast and you ll get another one. got chop? i think, it feels likedead weight. we really don t have too many problems with sharks, but every oncein awhile we ll get em. that a black

fin? i can t tell, he looks like hemight be a nice- black fin! nice little black. what s that under him? those are sharks there. shark? yeah. look at them, they rehungry too. (laughs). put him around, got him? little black fin here. black fin tuna! had a little run in with the tax man down there. thatwould be man in the grey suit, otherwise known as a shark. (laughs). well, what do you dowith a black fin? use these sometimes for chunk and tuna bait, don t ya? a lotof times we use them for bait. this size right here is perfect. the fish are biting on thetop good enough. we ll get him tilled out and it ll make great sushi meat tonight. orwe can let him go. go ahead and toss

that one back. there s plenty here. of hegoes. i need to rig me up another bait. yeah you do. blink, we ll have oneon in a second. down, down, down it goes. kinda get impatient because it s eleven hundredfeet here, and you ve just gotta let it sink as far as it can cause it ll never hit thebottom. you want it to hit down there where the tuna are, about one hundred feet that cast i just did was one hundred eighty feet out, now it should be about one hundredfifty right below the boat. there he is. (laughs). ooh, come on baby. looks like a niceone. i don t know, i was able to stop him pretty quick there. you said we can catchthem until our arms fall off? i believe so today. that was some serious fogcoming out here this morning. yeah,

this time of the year it s bad. gottatrust that radar. that water s what at forty, about forty-five degrees? about forty-fourdegrees, yes. we re talking about the mississippi river, dumping out here intothe gulf. we couldn t even break the cameras out this morning because the fog was justso thick. it looked like pea soup out here. yeah, you look north you can stillsee fog in the distance. yeah, there s quite a few banks coming out. least itsburnin off by the time it gets this far out. usually, yes. now brotherwe re flat giving these new rods a workout. very impressive so far, definitelyimpressive. there s your fish. a big shark no! he s hungry. youwanna reach down and grab him mike?

yeah, let me grab him real quick. no sensefeeding the tax man. don t you mean, don t need to feed the man in the gray suit?wooh! black fin. let s toss him off, we can toss him right back. alright. if i can get him head first he should make it past him. swim, swim, swim,swim. good, he made it. let s get set back up and get another one. soundsgood to me. captain mike ellis in this louisiana. y all stay tuned. we ll getback with some more addictive fishing. it s eerie how the fog rolls in like that,blair. in a heartbeat. well welcome back y all. we are still sittin out at thesame rig. it looks a little different, we just had a nice big fog bank roll in. we refishing off of venice, louisiana. about eleven

hundred feet of water, and i don t see anyoil whatsoever out here. i mean, the fishing is different, but you can t reallyblaim, there s nothing you can blaim on the oil that i m seeing right now. yeah. it s all just, just fishing. yeah you fry them in the oil anyway right? you fry them in oil. (laugh). we ve ben in-shore, now we re off-shore catchingyellow fin, catching red fish and trout, black drum in-shore. got one on mike? yep. he s got a black fin on or something now. nice one on the jig. get him son. ooh that s a rolling martin son there, huh? (laugh). i think somethings after him. yeah, caught up with him. you say you think something s after him? i believe so, he s not, not acting quite right.

coming up, huh? i don t thinki ve got much left of (laughs). a little weight to him, maybe. thats what one did to me, come up, come up, all the sudden dooo! barely see him, ohha little yellow? is it? look s like a small yellow. no it s just a goodblack. good black fin. that d be perfect bait size, especially in thesummer if we re gonna try to live bait the marlin. that d be candy right here. that d be him huh? that would be him. you gettin about ready mike? yeah, he s right here. step back for you. black fin tuna. let me show you somethingreally neat that i just find fascinating about a tuna. it s how they can go through the waterso fast. these peck fins actually fold back

into the body, and if you see there s a littleridge right here in their body. and if you ever get out here with mike and catch one,look at this. it s absolutely cool, they fold that back down. and mike said they fold theirdorsal down too. yeah, also the dorsal goes right in that little slot. itgoes in and just becomes perfectly hydro-dynamic. that is a good specimin. yeah, andalso when you re spear fishing these, all you see is the little finlets right there.there s not a fin moving at all, and all the sudden those little finlets will start twitchinand it s gone. you ll never see any fin movement at all. let s jolt this guy back in. alright. send him in head first and-. get another. charge him up. and off he went. and off he

went. awesome, we re going to getanother one. and what mike did here,the fog bank came in and they weren t poppin anymore,so mike put on a deep jig and dropped it straight down. and just basically jiggin what a hundred? dropped about one hundred fifty foot. unbelievable. cranked it two,three times and that was it. all you ve got to do is come with mike. he can tellyou what to do. (laughs). i m gonna get my jig. see if we can t find anotherone like that. if you see blair, you look up there, you ve got a man of war jelly fish. yeah. what these tunas are doing is they re coming up under the man ofwar, and they re bustin the man of wars to get the little minnows out from underneaththem. oh, he ate it. there he is!

i think he s hooked now. shakin that headbrother, shakin that head. now he s runnin . (laughs). awesome man, good job. i think that s the man there. i believe so. man in the yellow suit. we just saw him come up under those man of wars a minute ago. so theyate those little man of war fish? no, it s like a, kinda real bright blue backdbait underneath those man of wars. yeah this is a good one. look justsouth of us blair. i m a little busy. this is one of the ones we saw jump. yeah. these rods are perfect for out here in these sized fish. oh, he s going theother way again. that rod does have great action on it. most anybody knowsthese past few shows i ve been at, at these

trade shows, i ve been showing them these.anybody knows this is the short version of it, this is the seven-six. and i tell youwhat, it has some power. just looking at it now, you ve got plenty of backbone butstill enough tip to throw those lighter lures at these tuna. yeah. oh yeah,for what we do, that s perfect. you don t need anything more than that. so many peopletry to over-rod themselves. take all the fun out of it. when i first started cominout here, y all were using thirty wides and sixty wides. fifty wides on bimbutts.kind of evolved a little bit from that. certain times of the year you need it dont you? october we use fifties and hundred, hundred thirty pound main line. someof the fish behind the shrimp boats. on a

typical winter pattern, when we re onto thedifferent humps and stuff like that. yeah. we d use fifties and eightypound, hundred pound line. it s so much more fun. definitely a lot morefun. i like using spin so much more than i do conventional. cause it just, youfeel the fish more. feel the fish more. instead of fighting him witha pool cue. i tell you what, if this fish is a black fin he s going to be a monster. i believe that s one of those nice yellows we saw poppin ooh, we re goingto eat tonight brother. stayin down there at cajun fishing adventures with ryan lambert. puts on a good operation up there. oh yeah, he said make sure you bringsome tuna back if you get a couple. i know

you will with mike. (laughs). i thinkwe re gonna work on bringing a couple back. woo, that s a good one there bro. nice yellow. probably fifty? fifty? ahh, maybe just shy of it. caught a red fish in the mar yesterday that was fifty pounds. (laughs). thisone might pull that one backwards. yeah, i think you re right. this one herewould, this one here definitely would ve pulled that one backwards all day long. nicefish blair. that is a good. you wanna walk back? yeah let s walk him onback. let s see if we can t introduce that one to the grill tonight. you gotit brotha. yeah, i think this one will fit on the grill. (laughs). ina couple of pieces. i thank goodness for that

seeguarfluorocarbon. good to go? yes sir,brother. that is gonna be some good eats tonight. there we go. look at that swimminmullet down in his throat man. did he want that or what? he liked it. yellowfin tuna. y all stay tuned we re gonna be right back with some more addictive fishing.that oen folds down too. woo! hydrodyanmic, that s why he was pulling that drag out sogood. we re gonna be right back with some more yellow fin tuna, y all stay tuned. addictive fishing is brought to you by d.o.a. lures, the unfair advantage. forida s spacecoast, orlando s closest beaches. star brite, the world-wide leader in marine, automitiveand rv care products. fins, the worlds first situational spectra-fiber fishing line. costadel mar sunglasses, see what s out there.

and by seaguar, the inventor and world leaderin fluorocarbon fishing line. anything hanging out under them chub? i dont think anything s under them, they re just, they must ve washed dishes from lunch. might need to change it up a little bit, may go down or try jigging a little different? yeah, go ahead and let it drop down a little bit. these fish on the sounder, theylook like they re holding a little deeper. give it a shot and see what happens. alright. i just threw it about sixty yards out there, about a hundred eighty feet. sowhat i m gonna do is i m gonna let it go down. mike said just let it go down, down, downin the water column. we ve got the rig behind us and the water is coming to us. what i mgoing to do is let it go down, every once

in a while just kind of give it a little pop.see what they think about that mullet. right there at eleven o clock, blair, lookat them all out of range. this one ain t. oh yeah. come on. must be a black fin,hasn t done a big run yet. well, there it goes spinning. ah yeah brother. awesome! well now he s feeling a little better. feeling like a black fin now. there s color! alright, let me get this deep jig out. big, big black fin. alright. a football! whew, you know what, see if i can roller martin this one. i m gonnaget this one out without bleeding. man, i tell you what, they love those d.o.a. mullet. nice fish blair. little football. come on, little football, i m gonna let yougo. some fish tacos there.

fish tacos with that one? fish tacos. well really no matter what type of tuna they are, they re all tasty, and theydon t go to waste. no they don especially here on highway twenty-three. (laugh.) that s the road down to venice. i m gonna get rigged up and get me anotherone. rig it right by wright and mcgill. on today s rig it right segment,i m going to show you what we were using out there today. little bit different today becausethe fog rolled in on us out there and it looked like pea soup. we were probably twenty-fiveyards away from the rig and couldn t see it. safety concerns, we went ahead and headedback in. plus, mike wanted to head up and get some of this bait. and the baits are onof my favorite. it s a d.o.a. swimming mullet.

got a nice strong hook for those yellow fintuna out there. and this bait works on any palagic that eats mullet. great little saw it working, getting the job done. using sixty pound test seaguar fluorocarbonleader, a little bit heavier leader than what i m used to using, because those tuna havereally rough mouths and can really chafe up your leader. so, kind of stepped it up a littlebit, using thirty pound test fins original prt. didn t have any wind conditions out thereto really concern me with, and if you notice the new rods, this is the seven-two model.they have really stepped it up. wright and mcgill with this s-curve technology. theseare the off-shore models and i can t wait to get some redemption on some of those permitdown in southwest florida with this rod. the

reels, got some bigger reels coming out too.from a five thousand all the way up to an eight thousand size reel. there s your baitcheck for the day. remember one thing though, every season starts right here at dick s.don t forget about the website; and if y all ever get the chance to come downhere and fish venice, louisiana, make sure you look up mike ellis. he is the man on theseyellow fin tuna down here. that s about it for the bait check, and the show, we ll seeyou all next week. check out more footage from this show by logging onto,for outtakes and bloopers. addictive fishing television 2012 episode #3 - relentless foghgdj h:8b hg/t hc6i hgdj hiq1 hv!| h>hj h,g| hmeg h7;z gd7;z gd7;z hw\ h~|6 h!/% h7;z gdw\hf/3 hw\ gdw\ gd>~ gdw\ hy-w h^2[ hwq. gd>~

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