Offshore Job In Mumbai


welcome to moscow please enjoy your stay the boss is expecting it right this way showtime, okay, jerry we've no visuals inside. it's on you now welcome salaam alaikum, take a seat you've traveled a long way, please i insist

Offshore Job In Mumbai

Offshore Job In Mumbai, you'll have to forgive the less than tasteful decor the fancy hotels are all booked for the anti-terrorism summit we got it all of it gentlemen please please we are all friends here

opposite the origin i understand you're anxious here in your enemy's territory, but that is precisely why you are safe no mama dream of looking through here right under their noses of course mistrust is healthy when conducting these sorts of transactions, but rest assured gentle nobody wants to die today we are only scream because you here account. i'll show you mine if you show me yours you're happy

yes i'll take your word for it. don't forget this without it. she chooses the why what is this we celebrate our new partnership there is no need for this i? insist no you what's going on? and i'm in a sentence now right? he should have confirmed by now we need to go in we're not supposed to be engaging at all track and confirm only our business is concluded of course what people?

ha ha ha you don't know who? the hell just happened, not sure seaworld chefs what is that a homing beacon is been activated but from where from in there? now i know this must look bad. there's actually a very funny story you didn't let me get to the funny part that was definitely gunfire. did your goober stand on what a stop me? shoot me? goodbye wait, i think it's on the trigger bucket if you shoot me this whole place becomes a memory now lower your weapon and walk away

no what do you mean? no? no me more will not lower the weapon you do understand. what will happen if i push this button? hmm okay, so just so we're clear you're perfectly happy for me to kill us your friends your family and millions of innocent people if they got that right? yeah because bottom does nothing without key that's a good point oh

you hit good poor lady you know goodbye fbi? agent cooper come in nothing who are you and what are you doing here? i'm in terms. i own at the moment hiding well, i mean you're interfering with a government operation and special agent cooper fbi since when does the fbi of jurisdiction in russia? it's a joint task force who's coming coming set up a homing device on an inquiry trying to contact interpol for your staging cooper? we can sit here with you continuing not to believe me we turned into swiss cheese or we can i don't do something to try and survive

we maybe baby, what are you doing? making a sensible choice cover me wait have a bitch come back at me here you when you came in cape rookie you want to reload i wait you're welcome. you're under arrest be serious always must charge. i don't know i'll think of something did you coop we're in better late than never but don't worry situations under control? we just need to place him under arrest

who the saint trisha perfect timing my specialty how's your russian adventure? very russian very adventurous, and not quite over april telephone right, where am i going? the airport tell me to in the breasts while i go to a charter flight wheels up in an hour sonya is efficient if you are beautiful

thank you as always darling, and i must say it appeared don't give you a certification hmm that you shave it off successful chooses a little scrap, i'll take that into consideration the united nations relief agency has placed aid to the region but the money has been held up over fears that it simply won't reach those in need meanwhile president ezekiel ibaka is there to a secured nearly 2.5 billion dollars in aid from private entities the newly elected president who promised to stamp out corruption personally reached out to groups around the world in an effort to keep his country from falling apart my father was a hero a

warrior as inspiring as he works theater one of the greatest generals nigeria has ever known he loved his country at times i felt even more than he loved me it will paint him greatly to know what i have done he was a proud man he would never stoop to begging as i am that's not true your father will be very proud of you the lengths to which you've gone to help your people mr.. president will go down in history and remember it takes courage to ask for help the generosity you have shown my country has been overwhelming and it will certainly help the healing process, but sadly

it's still not enough did you ever think that 2.5 billion dollars would not be enough? well, that's why i'm here. yeah, i pledge to you and your country all my talents. you will make this work. we have to yes, we will i don't think i've ever seen a ring like this before oh, a family heirloom it's very dear to me actually it serves as a reminder of a time long ago when the world was very different it's complicated

and good men banded together to fight for what was right it motivates me to this day, but it brought me here to you, and i'm incredibly grateful that it did all right, you'll have access to the bank accounts at midnight by 12:01. i want them cleaned up. yes, sir um loser should we be doing this i? mean the 2.5 billion is in blood money it's going for a to people in need. i don't start growing a conscience arnie levin had the experience he asked about your ring didn't he?

it practically sealed the deal. how did you know he would? it's a conversation starter for to tell truth there was a family adam. i just didn't telling it wasn't my family fisma i almost gave it to him. why? because he's pathetic just like the man. i took it from they've kept it all these years it must mean something to you yep, it's yours that's how much it means to me all right get on with the time's a-wasting. yes, sir simon templar you're the most peculiar if i know coming from you. i'll take that as a compliment

you have the list right here 800,000 to doctors without borders 750,000 to migrant assistance 1.5 million to children's hunger fund listen you want to give all this money to children? they're so little maybe they don't need so much your money you're the boss. just make sure the money gets where it needs to go

- my very little con - you're rather hefty commission that several of your competitors would gladly undercut. yes but they don't have my good looks or your discretion old friends and in international news 2.5 billion dollars earmarked to aid of the nation of nigeria has apparently gone missing newly elected president insecurely baca has vowed to find that missing funds or resign did you watch it? yes? it's hardly news just another corrupt dictator stealing from his people so special no, i trust him i think he's just interesting the wrong people and you know this because a hunch a little digging i've been doing on my own

i'm very entrepreneurial of you darling watch my back. you'll have my job now. you can keep it darling i like being the brains of the operation is that what you are? so what does that make me the muscle? love you're all muscle? now listen i've recently seen the nigerian president in the company of this man just sent to your phone this i don't have a name yet, but i've run his picture through every facial recognition database i could tap into the only other time he ever appears in an nsa surveillance photo with sheik mohammed al khabiri carrots financier, who's now enjoying a lifelong vacation in a cia black prison somewhere? something oddly familiar about him let me guess you rode together at oxford

tell you what let's do some more digging if you can find some leads on the missing money. can you write up a boulevard? yeah, my thoughts exactly already on it but simon yes, darling. i might have been wrong about the feared makes a little dare i say goodbye done you gentlemen were the only one who got perfect scores on your exams i? am most surprised at you, mr.. templar you had perfect grades you did not need to steal the answer sheets never looked at the answer sir and yet you felt compelled to break into the master's office. we didn't break em sir i'm in the person of the heat

so you would miss it there's nothing to admit so you caught us which never would have happened if he'd stuck to the plan he was supposed to miss a few answers on purpose why don't you steal an exam paper i? don't need to cheat. we're a templar and have a responsibility i expect you to conduct yourself in a certain manner in this world. it isn't cheap it's strong i appreciate the distinction

but why simon what it looks like me i? wanted to be a part of something you are a part of something a part of what the farm a bridge not more like serving idea had this family acquired its fortune do you even know what a decide you were living? or perhaps. it's time. you learned we've seen this before haven't you? well that is the symbol of the knights templar

told knights templar that's a very interesting question see a long time ago in 1119. just after the end of the first crusade small band of knights you did good coop why don't you take some time off? you've earned it. i i want to open a new investigation what? simon templar who's that yeah? they call him the saint i talk to brass key at interpol as well as inspector keel over to scotland yard they've been after him for years even international tvs one it's a money-laundering computer fraud smuggling it's the guy from russia yeah oops look, huh?

you're the kid genius and all but the director feels. we went way out of our comfort zone for you the last time there's nothing on this guy that involves the united states for sure not domestically there the fbi not the cia or any ball he compromised an active anti-terrorism operation ever well, where was i we're going to let him walk? he's not our problem the bureau won't back here on this. maybe my won't back here speaking of in appalled that ever check out what in your report you said this st. set off a homing device alerting in a poll to the nuke did i'd have a check out. yeah. it did. what's your point? so maybe he wasn't really the bad guy in a situation

what about the gold he took off with lissa bullion didn't hear what you think he gave to charity is in cooper i don't want to hear you talk about the saint again you know what no more field trips for a while. you're despot until further notice is absolute bullshit. you don't want to make a permanent yeah, who is it? i'd rather not say okay, i need protection for me and my family before i tell you anything i need your assurance that we will be protected. how'd you get this number? come on agent cooper that is the least interesting detail that i have information about okay, you have my attention

last night 2.5 billion dollars intended for relief in nigeria was diverted to several on tricycle bank accounts. let me hang on. how do you know this? because i diverted it it was pale cross no doubt about it. i didn't think he had the balls how interesting now the first call he'll make will be to the fbi asking for protection and he'll offer them the money in exchange and we can't allow that to happen good

i'm not in the trisha being unreasonable. i'm 18 years old daddy. i can go out when i want zoey i didn't say you couldn't go. i just said you couldn't drive my car. i'm not talking to you catherine why did you marry her anyway? she's not mommy. it's totally gross god why do you always have to be so mean? okay, i'll try i need to be in heart and constitute on the thought finish i don't speak that language are you here for my dad? he gives a lot of sketchy foreign guys? because i

could not stop for death. he kindly stopped for me emily dickinson mr.. bao everyone now. it's a mess. we know that fans are already blaming him for the charges trying to leave their town all right, that's all we've got left for now moving to headline news our very own fiona printshop well zoe it's a help of screening isn't it ani hey? you take from me. i take from you

i'll get you your money back. i swear i know you will i just need a little bit of time well, i've got all the time in the world, but unfortunately your daughter doesn't have that luxury please don't hurt her, but her well-being is entirely in your hands i tell you what? because i like you got 48 hours tricia i knew you miss me

desperately really just thought you might be interested in something i picked up at brunch one of the waiters, ha cute actually no, but you know that missing aid money for nigeria is again 2.5. billion dollars exactly well, i found it all of it well in a cow's managed by a private banker arnie vail trois. you know it part of it must be if she tries to stay off the radar a real boy a lot of people are looking for that money none of them have good intentions i tracked failed class in san diego. meet me there on my way

need to chuck a few things in a bag morning ladies oh, and i took your advice and got rid of the pa whatever makes me happy hey hey, d'or what you got for me while the call definitely? originated from the grand ville mars or in san diego on the song now the guest registry tanda bring up any obvious suspects but i did find something interesting oh so one of the guests is listed as a running festival. which is a pretty obvious

recombination on arnold available across a banker of the i ci who's been red-flagged in our system for the last couple of years? thank god for the stupid criminal mind what's bi ci? bank of international credit & investment irs have been after them for years major tax cheats offshore accounts suspected money laundering just the sort of people would not only steal, but wipe clean 2.5 billion dollars, right? what's wrong city? i don't even know why i'm bothering i'm grounded there's no way that sins is going to let me fly out west to deal with all this i've been thinking about that mmm my girlfriend used to date a guy in international ops division

who probably loves to help you out bro? who? special agent john burnett berbick you want to know why? she says he's in chasing your saint for years really? fur neck please tell me you're here rail crosshair is a more important question yes, how much longer i have no idea well to try to leave i expect you to use your many charms to keep in there

such a boy silent answer zoe sweetheart zoe zoe as you can hear your daughter is getting rather agitated if you put my money yet of course to tell me what i got to do or where the full amount to the economy was sent and your daughter will be returned to you unharmed how can i trust you? frankly, i don't see you. have much of a choice welcome to the grand l. mark. thank you. yep that's right thank you, her name is genuine

veil crossed knows we have his daughter. it'll give us the money we've got a problem a new problem. tempt us here with simon temple, yes huh? at the head of the barrel cross bringing outside hell, and they have underestimated you on the other hand the universe has a funny way of setting back on themselves none we should kill templar now patience, maris, we don't a spook veil cross before he transfers the money are doing yes, but if templar gets in the way that i leave entirely to your discretion

this will be fun cool site whenever possible i'll be day. what is actually wearing other oil ah? using any protection always. you know me focus darling our mission is to get the bank info from the bail cross safe the manchester sweet one guards door kind of spectre my hitting teller 9000 if you have the account data, it'll be a mess you are a very clever girl miss home now

fbi mr.. vail cross, how do you do? i'm special agent john henry fernack i? understand you have information for me regarding the asset sale. i don't you don't know why'd you call the fbi regarding your employ? i must dial the wrong number inspector phone. i no longer work for di cia. were you stealing from them did the gatchoo? threaten you look i'm sorry inspector. you made your trip for nothing not nothing it's never nothing mr.. vail across good day well our old friend special agent phonak's here. he followed you here from russia. no different agent but i know these fbi always talk to each other

you know there's something too easy about this. i thought the same thing when i traced the account. it's like vel'koz wanted to be fast simon be careful when i risked in the reward so where am i headed 310 over? i'm right next to vale cross is sweet not be nice to the bodyguard morning housekeeping you can do your thing please home? okay, there's a guard right behind me adjoining door let's run do some bloody mary are you promising the box? you are artists we've seen this before haven't you that is the symbol of the knights templar?

simon a very thoughtful gift, mr.. velcros. i've been looking for my father's ring for a long time may. i show you something now would you mind telling me? why you lured me here? i figured you wouldn't want to talk with a guy like me but maybe 2.5 billion dollars you want to think it right unless you're gonna cut me a check what can i do for you? my daughter's been kidnapped? well the fbi's in the building why not talk to that if i let the fbi handle this i'll never see my daughter again my sympathies, mr. bellcross, but when you launder cash for the world's most corrupt dictators that kind of thing tends to happen?

i hid the money i was gonna give it to the fbi but my daughter was taken before i could turn it over look if they'll exchange her for the money just do it. they'll just kill me. they'll kill my daughter. she doesn't deserve that that's why i need you to handle the exchange to help us get away safely you're the same imagines, please to give an indian i'm spiraling down there now everybody recirculating this colorist or

in your rings the key isn't nomad please save our global did you get the reef? simon temple remember me put the bloody gun down son and call an ambulance put the gun down. oh put your hands up now two years of chasing you around the globe. i've finally got to say good you see you you to bow christ bread not but we need to find a daughter this had better be good news things got a little out of hand

bear cross is dead. i'm templar templar got away probably with my money use your touch marius. i can fix this as well. i sincerely hope so simon simon why didn't you answer when he heard me? call? i'm sorry. i was really i have someone i want you to meet some of those special his name is xander how do you do sir? i do just fine in there well, i should leave you turd leaves to what i think our leds are to explain that

good luck i've heard you've been having some troubles at school. don't be ashamed simon it happens to the best of us or our us a head doctor a head doctor you know it's like i just know while i like to believe that my teachings help your mind and body. i'm not a doctor i'm a trainer after we get finished here. no bully in the entire united kingdom will dare mess with you good reflexes now hit me what hit me don't be scared loosen up a little on the grip mastiff

lesson one never take your eyes off your opponent. she sees me to see that yes and much more now hit me again that's crazy i have a copter attack in broad daylight you know what i'm going to sleep with my shins on there's never a dull moment when simon templar comes to la how's all that gear working out for you? i can see why your simon's go-to for local transport and not tech soil any chance of some breakfast see boiled eggs toast marmalade and a pint of coffee. what do you think i'd forget but? okay, so we got two and a half billion dollars floating in the wind. i've always wanted to buy my own hawaii

what's ten percent of two and a half billion split three ways eighty-three point three million? money is ransom for the bankers daughter. we're not keeping it sorry, if that puts a damper on your real estate ambitions how are we going to find all this money that we're not you know keeping my long-lost ring velcro's said that the account numbers on it someone templar cross symbolizing those who have dedicated their lives to the service of others in theory anyway inscriptions latin no, l'm esto para tulum non mcaddie no, risk no reward

that's recent work that is what detectives would call a clue looks like a diamond it's synthetic soil this house for squatting and have a dvd player with all due respect you are as beautiful as you are tech friendly. where did you find her? it was the rubout collie desert, and she was a vision of grace and dire circumstances. it was hardly dire i had the situation well in hand in jabara ensued tried the kid over nephew job a holdup mother lap by the denver job come soon

kool-aid equi nanobot shoe foam beautiful woman in chains three dead bodies 60 miles south of baghdad i can't wait to hear this one, ha you know if you let me put my hands down. i might be able to find a key to those chains you're british to the core. i even understand cricket special forces motorcycle holiday in iraq well, the gas is very cheap here at the moment do you have a name patricia home simon templar? i offer your lift somewhere miss home that's enough of this flattery only flattery mr.. moffit isn't true now what are we looking at here? scrambled bank account numbers, i assume i need the right frequency to decrypt the data and the password or a key before he died velcro said the key is in the nomad a nomad is a digital file, but it doesn't live on a computer

but in separate packets on multiple servers not here i love it when you talk nerd so we need to find this nomad get the key read the crystal swap it for the girl and bob's your uncle it's where the devil do we start the veil cross on? soil you check the garage i love a flash-fried. we have the kids from the trip love trust me captain exact same dough. it's like zygote they could go either way, you know it's a pizza or doughnuts doughnuts or pizza. hey donut pizza, there's another one. yeah, there's another one

fbi. oh especially you john henry fernack you must be captain miller and i'm a and i'm garcia's detective actually yeah the guys down at the precinct said you are my be here. oh yeah, this is our spot i got to call you be showing up to let me finish my lunch. what's this about about this? simon templar international pete's coming out of london in new york i've been chasing them for years and and he's here and how they i need to help a bit needed i'm one-eighth cherokee take him, please cherokee. thanks cap be fine who are we today? insurance investigators here to appraise the estate. you keep her busy. i'll scan the electronics response the nomad a

mrs.. vale cross so sorry for your loss we represent the holders of your husband's life insurance. are you simon templar? yes, yes, i am come in i heard what happened to marni on the radio when i was coming home from work? when i walked into the house the phone was ringing it was the kidnappers they said he'd be coming if i called the police he'd kill zoe until that moment you had no idea. she'd been taken. no, i thought she was out with friends so and i never really got along she thought i was too young to be with her dad this has been across how much did you know about arnie's banking activities i?

knew the men arne represented were evil i knew he helped them steal and hide billions from the countries they ruled but you know recently i don't know maybe through my influence. he he had a change of heart he wanted that money to go back to those countries back to those people just so they could have better life i feel so guilty like i'm responsible for what happened to my husband in philly. you shouldn't blame yourself i'm going to find that money and use it to bring your stepdaughter home, okay? thank you

scan the computers, but the drives have been wiped arnie must have done it remotely before he was killed so where lies are no matter the data? we need is off-site. it'll take time to find it time we don't have kidnappers didn't happen to leave a phone number today talking as long as you can templar shaima mr.. in san diego. sorry about your helicopter old boy. it's okay for story i'm upset about us crawling my arms do the container of a salt ride was in mali. i thought i blew up rather nicely sure, we said the exchange the girl for the money i need a bit more time

why didn't you send the girl home to mum as a sign of goodwill and patricia? and i will keep looking for the money. you know i can't really show without cash in hand let's say 24 hours which dies top hunter shows here long rates marius says hello does he know you two are acquainted before your time darling i? only got a partial trace not enough to get his exact location good money. can you get the money rates waited for it which means we have a bit of time, but we need to get moving? if i don't see that money goodbye just like a daddy please stop, please okay

i'm in a band with a bunch of cops. i grab a metronome all that explains you know carry on let me ask you a question the guy that we want is right there. why don't we grab him? no, that would be the worst move. we can make if we wanted to bust him i'm just saying he's a person of interest in the battlecross homicide no because he's our best chance of recovering that money the minute he gets it. i will be there all we need to worry about is not losing sight soyal corner of grandview and lake that's our needs data facility can you hack into it? their firewalls how to imagine you and great to marius having much to talk about you're right. we didn't so what exactly did you and he do?

i'm entitled to some degree of curiosity on that we have been on the road together for a year and by design we've avoided any knights of line adil's oversharing. we all have our secrets okay back off back off. i'm sorry you got to stop i can't take that what we can't be yelling cannot take the yelling you told me to stay close to these guys sorry it's just that if you wearing them guess what they're going to know we're behind that i've never cared what how are you a detective guys firewalls too heavy. i'll have to find an interesting way to liberate that file gonna be really interesting think of being tailed buddy how it's done darling run in those heels

you see a lot of young blue she's passing today on the win three are you going to go now an arrest? really phonic three guns you're not to end. oh this moment cuz i'll be coming after you again you know it doesn't have to be like this burn act we could work together. i don't work with criminals

like none not me my friend not ever so i'm late not late darling. i'm clementine how did you leave things with agent pronounced that isn't that car factory in cologne, but slightly more humiliating than mumbai? the data storage facilities in there is it yeah the nomad file is on their network and a server room somewhere well use that trick from studio knit one following the power drain gotcha the servers are in the sub-basement, and they know my packet how do we cook those fish?

eight-five placed into the hardline send them out one by one that leads us to the money which eventually to go one problem male cross accounts checked out reboot 6:00 a.m.. and we'll never find the money okay we need to gear up as soon as possible on that clock. there's only one spot in town. they'll have the gear we need nollie alvez haven't seen it is rare there is no chance she has forgiven you for that bomb. what happening to me carnevale whose finale other place simon hasn't told you about she at my chair sometimes the too late to order

i'm thinking can clear your minutes with me now in a hospital a space and maybe some couscous branco regard what happens in real time 9? finale could see some of our things almost a fool needs to be happy to see my face remember breakfast in bed at the copa palace whoa, whoa, whoa whoa dear, laura week let me i take out your bar finale i know i'm not your favorite person eleanor, but we need your help you've burnt mrs. real odium i lost everything the ink i cap your bill to federal specs look we had a wonderful time together

but i think he couldn't let you destabilize the global economy an influx of counterfeit. i'm not the type this is weak. we need your help a girl's been kidnapped in order to save her we need to buy some of your beer we don't cash we pay retail hmm you, two are okay? all right for him he's gonna pay for what he said oakes tarantino said auntie monkey that's what we talked about it

another three on spinner the acidic gels and fiber optics pleasure with petabyte piggyback eight bucks. oh yeah do you need anything else nope? i think i'm good bring that it'll consume you're a big boy. you're where of course the steroids cause liver damage and erectile dysfunction side effects including acne particular atrophy and prostate cheers, here's his buddy did then business did you go my client? i'm sorry about your guy. he's not my guy. we're associates he has never made love to you. are you recommending it as i would love to be the answer to that ah have somewhere to be we'd onion mm-hmm. very good son you aren't one to take a punch. oh, it's all protected ah

how hours time? server resets in 40 your point of entry is the emergency exit klieman are you sure you can muster the strength for a midnight heist austin master patricia, and british we invented master stingy yeah i found something to do on their way to the money this may work out as class c if i want your opinion marriage, i will ask for it simon template is not going to just hand over 2.5. billion. he's gonna try and be a hero what would he like me to do your job?

am not gonna let an innocent girl pay for the sins of her father save me kurt earlier the templar templars are nothing the boys a bedtime story of medieval knights combat yet you go charge into the rescue and see can you see the station no one on the side giving me a ring without taking me? one protector ruins wonderful friendship either one of the scissors great some movies what's wrong? that wasn't fair fair battle in the history of mankind has ever been fair simon this isn't a game where rules exists to ensure integrity between participants in order to determine a winner and loser this is life

but it's fair to the japanese at hiroshima. what about the jews in poland it's something created by the weak because they know they can't defeat the shelling. what about honor i? know you love your temple einstein simon, but at some point. you'll have to realize that. they're just stories it's a survival of the fittest out there your enemies will seek out any and all advantages they can you must be prepared how do you prepare for the unexpected i expecting everything

maybe our exes still need assembly line come on it that doyle flying into plant the hot spot i have to someone's getting tased just get in there excuse me, hi sorry to disturb you. i was just wondering if you could show me where the restroom is no, okay. i guess i'm just gonna have to hold it, but you got a bad attitude pal what is this? honestly pictured these looks give me a minute darling okay, okay, okay? i can explain. i just like oh you know i talked to her she looks like some play no seriously you should have a conversation with

yeah, i got the whole situation under control go you go bobo go we're buddy cooler back on task simon little conversational manners, huh? alarm is down. go go. go. that's weird that guy was unconscious two seconds ago all right, best way into the server room is through the vault door careful it's rigged with explosive bolts and if these are touched an alarm is triggered instead of secondary doors or relief you're going to have to leave those hinges in place and through now floor behind the escape hatch is made up of pressure-sensitive floating tile

these must be frozen before you can step on the tiles without in ten seconds, so we quick ham in the biometric scanner you you are now sydney wellsburg no make that alexandra boy okay, i'm in set the bait box start the download alright, let's go fishing hello, asshole turn a rather late looks like he's in the server room watch it. i live up to tempo and garces detective garces shined where's your subbulu in the basement you back jacket wipe your nose bobby, kahn you come over mate? yes, sir. what about me?

what about you? hello emily the bag bernick if i do that an innocent girl is going to die saving people's lives is my job not yours 50 i could i couldn't stop here? i'm sorry i told you i was they can she did it in center your colleague is touching we had that missile special agent john henry fernand how to talk to simon easy-listening simon, i need the crystal from your ring. it's the only way i can access the veil cross accounts

heavy yards at the port of los angeles po5 we have ice on happened templars. do need to see come alone marisol kilobyte if we dad stop we i'll call it. come on. believe me if you do that. they're already dead, okay so cool these are the economist you'll use for the transfer one question when did you lose your mind? you really think you're salesmen. don't you? british accent designer clothes thought little sidekick she's not my sidekick. she's my associate position. i'd like to retain you do know. we're riding into a trap billy i

think that's the one thing we can count on me put six cards on deck so taking care of them get in get the girl get out well, i'm assuming taking you in taking cruise without me darling ever the hero how predictable the ring hips you please where's the girl? bring up here finish the job or in finish you? that's not how you talk to a lady. i talk to my wife where please ex-wife were you gonna mention it you didn't ask i'm special agent. we believe or not you're gonna be okay, buddy. can i make a sound okay?

famous templar family ring put assignment his mommy and his daddy shot dead right before his eyes how do you know about that? how do you think well i cross got this in the first place? from the same man. i shot your mother and your father if anything you often leave my first time my dad brought you home. i knew it you know something it feels good to be right shut up. well that's a morning full of surprises

so surprising about a gold-digger killing her husband, raise money catherines really ring time to leave it's over marius let the go go saving to go and bring your parents back who killed him? who killed my parents? you're simon templar. just upon that and bigger game how are you doing? she just moved him he took him for everything we had

should know your father was a very brave man he risked his life trying to return money stolen free people that desperately needed if you like, you can finish what he started? just press enter and the money will be returned to those who need it most you'll be okay. thank you say goodbye to your boyfriend 11 i'm in a mount actually you won't block the block

ladies and gentlemen this is all the information we have at this time uh mr.. president president de baca do you know any details surrounding the missing funds summary appearance i? don't know where this money vanished or where it came back from but right now all i care about is using these funds to help my fellow countrymen devastated by this horrible catastrophe was expecting your call too bad your thug mario's failed in his endeavors. he's not my son your man recommended him for the job look we can lay blame later on right now. i need help disappearing for a while. you could try but you better hurry you are not leaving me to take the fall for this

i'm sorry, but the brotherhood has decided my compliments. it's taken me an unusually long time to find you looking for this i'm going to over it hello, simon, it's been a while. i have someone. i want you to meet some of those special things on sounder take whatever you want fill the well, we don't have any money in the house you of all people should know that money is the motivator of lack of minds

what motivates the brotherhood won't be so smug so holy? was the temple isis to crusader by another name? we do have a holy cause to wipe every la and la from the face of the earth it's only me your answer is my family might wipe out of it my father asked you for mercy not for himself for his family and you gave him none i'm glad it's you simon, it ought to be you but there's more than just me out there the brotherhood will be coming after you. i'll worry about that when you're dead you can't do it is still a little boy concern with amon

and now assassin i'm a templar. you're weak like your father. he wasn't weak he welcomed you into his home and you betrayed it but i'd rather be weak than whatever it is you are? good luck samba. you're going to need it do you understand ng that with one phone call? i once been a single game jay. we'll see ends up. you're under arrest special agent cooper fbi and you cooper pleasure to see you again. wish i could say the same i

see for a friend with you yes, it's my associate agent doorly face just someone i tapped into during his file transfers in the last half an hour he's got enough connections to terror groups and suspect funds to keep homeland security busy for a long time what are the charges what makes you think we're charging you with anything? the u.s government just want to talk to you under national defense and authorization act section 1021 2 1022 which authorizes the indefinite detention of terrorism suspect you see we don't like to rush into anything without the facts facts that could take a long time

yeah, now see you mr.. thompson take him away come on one out of two criminal masterminds is bad that should be glad that fern axe. did all the legwork and then let me get the collar

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