Offshore Work Gloves


paramedics arrived and he was alert but groggy and he was taken to a hospital to be checked out. a watchful eye.

Offshore Work Gloves

Offshore Work Gloves, security a top priority as their are and awesome display of tall ships and the celebration received homeland

security's highest risk designation. good every day -- good evening everyone i am ken macleod and katie is off today and mike is live. reporter: no major issues people arrived early and stayed late and felt safe knowing

security was in place. it is really cool. a once in a lifetime experience. reporter: stepping onto the ships thousands sightseeing. we walked around down here into the north end. being met with tight security

. they've got people patrolling and looking at you and dogs and like you said they are prepared. reporter: long lines lasting throughout the night as people get inch -- get a chance to load the boat.

reporter: boston police commissioner says the planning is paying off citing no arrests or issues. it was a great day and we had over 15 ships and i don't think it could have went better pick. the heightened security is

reassuring allowing for an enjoyable outing. i think boston it's safe. it's a clean and good city and -- and i never have to worry. reporter: roads are closed again tomorrow so be prepared and there will be checkpoint if

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